
All things considered what events would need to happen for there to be a nuclear war? ?

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There is the plausibility of limited and tactical nuclear war can this actual happen without total destruction of the planet or civilization as we know it?

Please no short answers.




  1. A nucleur war can start by any one country being the first to launch a nuke whether by accident or on purpose to another.

  2. Two possible ways:

    1.)All the nuclear powerhouses, and maybe a few other countries (Canada, maybe Mexico) team up together, and decide they don't like the rest of the world. So they "nuke" everyone else...although it would be hard to decide who they are going to go after

    2.)Advanced technology developments allow certain countries (say the U.S.) to control bombs in other countries (say Russia). If the U.S. could launch a bomb to Russia and prevent them from retaliating, then that would be a tactical war. That require a lot of planning, probably more than one administration could do.  

  3. In order for a nuclear war to happen, a country would have to be willing to take what they dish out. This requires a leader like Hitler or Saddam, evil enough and arrogant enough to think he is untouchable. Once this happens, the country would probably build up an army ready for some kind of conquest. It would be pointless even for a religious fanatic or a political madman to fire missiles without gaining out of it. The nuclear part would be a way to destroy the victim country's tactical cities and ruin their food and water supply. After that, it would all determine what allies the victim country has, and what they do to the aggressor.

    Its all about whos on whos side. Even if the Russia or Palestine or Iran, etc. were able to send a thousand missiles onto US cities and places of importance, they would still risk Britain or Israel or some other country to take advantage and blow THEM off the map.

    Nukes are more of a deterent than anything. People are too afraid to use them. That is why it would take a fanatic to be in power.

  4. Nuclear weapons have one purpose, and all those who possess and are trying to possess them understand what that purpose is: deterring existential threats.  That means strategic nuclear missiles will not fly unless one nation feels existentially threatened.

    If Israel feels they're about to be extinguished, they'll rain nuclear weapons.  So would the US.  So would North Korea, Pakistan, India, or any other member of the nuclear club.

  5. some dumb a hole like the bush to push the button.

  6. Most wars are fought with an agenda.  For example, some suggest the Iraq War has been fought for oil.  So with that in mind, all out Nuclear war is not likely.  If we had dropped a nuke on Saddam, there would be radiation contamination for years preventing us from getting to the oil.  Let alone how long it would take to build infrastructure to get at the oil.  Nukes are too destructive.  There is more chance of large scale biological or chemical warfare.  Those things don't destroy oil rigs and other infrastructure.  That was a lesson we learned in Japan - sure, drop a bomb, but then you need to rebuild and that takes a ton of money and time.

    Tactical Nukes on the other hand are a good weapon.  All the intimidation and fear of a big nuke, but contained to a more specific area.  So that means that the more tactical nuclear weapons that are constructed, the more likely they will be used.

  7. we would get in the middle of this Russia Georgia conflict.the conflict will escalate. then the Russians allies will join like North Korea and china. then our allies would join like Europe and France(not much help). but since china will be Russian allies we will get cut off from all the things china gives us which is pretty much everything in the US. oil prices would spike every where since it is already at a low supply and with this huge world war 3 going on the military will be using up a lot of the worlds oil. oil dependent country's like the US would crumble from the inside via citizen revolts and rebellion because they can not live like they could before. then most likely terrorist organizations will side with the Russian Alliance because they dislike the US thus they begin to destroy the US and Their Allies even more. eventually The US will be so crushed they would have to bring out the nukes bombing Russia North Korea And China whom all have nukes would nuke The US and its allies thus eventually wiping out most of the human population and leaving so much radiation among the world reproducing would be near impossible thus making human life on earth die out and bring upon the end of existence. the end

  8. i agree with that  ^ guy


  9. Go to war with russia then you will find out....

    I made it short even though you asked me not to

    because this sounds like homework....

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