
All this patriotism and nationalism is making USA similar to National Socialist Germany?

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Don't you agree that over patriotic people are turning the USA into a copy of Pre-war Germany?

Everyone that criticizes their own country is labeled as Unpatriotic, un-American etc.

People are getting brainwashed by that, they believe everything the Gov. tells them and accept everything without question.

Patriotism should be moderate, not to the point of extremism.

People that criticize their own country and point out bad things, and try to change them are the true patriots.




  1. Your question and details are chock full of lovely irony.

    You ask:

    "Dont you agree that over patriotic people are turning the USA into a copy of Pre-war Germany?"

    Then you state:

    "People that criticize their own country and point out bad things and try to change them are the true patriots."

    So you are suggesting that if you so happen to agree with a government policy that your are not a true patriot- thus making you guilty of the very same thing you decry.

    Pre-war Germany where people dressed the same color try to drown out and intimidate people speaking with whom they do not agree.-yes

    People comparing human beings to chimpanzees and other animals like sheep.- yes

    Practicing and ecouraging racial eugenics.-yes

    People attempting to silence those of a certain reglion from speaking in public.- yes

    Attempts to disarm the populace.-yes

    People calling for certain speech to be silenced in the media and promoting real laws to do such.-yes

    It can be turned so easily.

    Fascism ="Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."  like nationalizing of oil companies and taking over factories during WW II to make tanks and bombs?

  2. Instead of making up far fetched comparisons with no basis on fact, why don't you just come out and say you hate America. No need to beat around the bush by pretending to be concerned about patriotism.

    Patriotism is simply putting country before self. Anyone who is serving or has served in the military knows this well.

  3. You are absolutely correct! Just a few examples of this

    In July, 2007, Bush signed the Freedom to Display the American Flag Act so Americans could "express their patriotism here at home without burdensome restrictions."  I wasn't aware that there had been any previous "burdensome restrictions."  

    In October he issued a "proclamation", noting that patriotism "can help our children develop strength and character."

    Just a side note, but I'm sick to death of Republicans calling liberals, "fascists."  It's unlikely that they can even accurately define the term.  The term, "fascist" originated with Benito Mussolini.  He said, "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

    Now, doesn't that sound more like Bush/Republican ideology?   Here are a few examples of what fasicsm really is.

    Corporate profits skyrocketed to a 40-year high in 2006 while real wages continued to decline.

    Put differently, while corporate profits soared over 21%, labor compensation increased only 5.5% and real disposable income rose just 0.5%.

    Consumers faced record gas prices, but oil companies raked in record profits.

    The Bush administration responded by granting even more favors to big oil, suspending environmental rules for refining gasoline and rejecting a suggested tax on oil company profits.

    In secret sessions excluding Democrats, Republican congressmembers altered Medicare legislation, subsequently saving the health-insurance industry $22 billion over the next ten years. Pharmaceutical companies profited not only from the administration's prescription-drug benefit program, which offered drugs at grossly inflated prices, but also from an FDA decision prohibiting individuals from filing lawsuits against drug companies in state courts.

    In May, Bush handed Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte exceptional powers to, as Business Week put it, "exempt companies working on certain top-secret defense projects from portions of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act." In other words, the same Negroponte linked with the Iran-Contra affair and accused of covering up Latin American human rights abuses now gets to "excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations."

    Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) altered a bill in order to prohibit states from divesting their public pension funds from corporations doing business with those connected to the genocide in Darfur.

    Fascism ="Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

    I guess Mussolini would have known how to define fascism better than anyone.

  4. That's why the "Patriot Act" took away all their privacy.  And the Americans don't even mind.  People from former communist countries must be shaking their heads at that one.

  5. I wish all you "One World Order" people would move!  Maybe, France!

  6. A far cry from it:  The German government has more parties representing the various groups in Germany than the United States.....

  7. I disagree STRONGLY... YOU are making too broad a generalizaton.  We haven't YET had the Capitol burned, a "Fuhrer" declared, all other parties outlawed, nor dissenters jailed.

    I've LIVED in single party nations, fought against them, and am still prouder than h**l of our ailing nation.

    It is folks that make broad generalizations like YOUR's that cause as much trouble as the hyper-patriotic.

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