
All this talk about underrated players

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Well who is the most overrated? And don't just say it because he's on your rival team or you hate him. Give credit where it's due. Who is it?




  1. Jason Giambi...A steriod inflated  .288 career average and 386 HRs..

    Cant believe people (my NY yankee frend think he is a HOF and All Star)

  2. I'll say Kosuke Fukudome. The guy is good, but he isn't what people say he is. He is not a .300 hitter, and he doesn't hit for power. He doesn't steal many bases either. He has a great arm, but I would rather have Markakis over him.

    EDIT: How about you keep your mouth shut. I can name a lot of outfielders who are much better than Fukudome.

  3. Are you talking about excessively large contracts?

    Clearly Carl Pavano is the king in this category.  Gets paid millions and never plays because he is always hurt.

    Maybe you want to know about rookie sensations that shouldn't have been All-stars?

    That would be the Cubs Soto and Fukudome.

    What about complete s***w-offs that can't run to first in five seconds?

    Manny Ramirez fits the bill here.

    There are many types of overrated.

  4. Andruw Jones he is batting .164 with 3 homeruns after the contract he got i think they should trade him to a team in china or japan.

  5. Alphonso Soriano is totally overrated!! He is a streaky player and very selfish. He refuses to let his manager move him down in the lineup. Fukudome is another good one. Derrick Lee is too, he's old.  

  6. i'm gonna say adam dunn...his home run totals are obviously great, but he's the uncontested strikeout king of baseball, and he has never hit for a high average...he is not what a truly great middle-of-the-lineup hitter should be

  7. Koske Fukudome is one but im gonna say derek jeter, the guy is good but hes only batting around 270-280 and he made the all star team.

  8. Derek Jeter - hands down. Sports Illustrated polled all the players and he won the "Most Overrated Player" award from his own peers. Because he was a star for a the world series winning yankees, he became untouchable. Now he makes over $20 million a year and makes every all start team, and this eyar he's batting .280 with 6 HRs. He wins gold gloves on reputation when science shows he's one of the worst SS in the game. Everyone acts like he's the second coming when he's just slightly above average.

  9. Since I'm going to be out of the ordinary, I'd say Kevin Kouzmanoff of the Padres. He is way overrated but the Padres still won't take him out. He's taking up a space where Chase Headley(third baseman in AAA, Left fielder in majors) could go, then putting Hairston, Gerut, and Giles in the outfield to give the Padres a winning chance. He doesn't put up great numbers, he's not good defensively, and he's super slow. And he's taking up a spot where an elite outfielder could go. just occurred to me that you may not know him because no one follows the Padres. But you have to trust me on this one. Oh and don't you agree that Aubrey Huff is one of the most underrated players this year? He's put up great stats

  10. Jason Varitek, this guy was batting .220 and still made the All-star team! Not to mention he's the "Team Captain" of the Sox, who elected this guy as "Team Captain." Plus his Gold Glove award was very undeserving, I can name a grip of guys that had a better season than him when he won the Gold Glove. Bottom line: Varitek is O-VER-RATED!

  11. Andruw Jones is clearly the most overrated.  He is batting .164 with 3 home runs and 14 RBIs and he's making almost $15 million.

  12. jason varitek is, he sucks

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