
All those who care about global warming, please help me...?

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Global warming causes the thickening of the ozone layer which traps infrared heat waves and hence increases the earth's temperature.

Ozone Layer Depletion means that the ozone layer dissappears due to various gases. If so, should'nt be any balance between global warming and ozone depletion? One spoils the layer and the other thickens it...




  1. Global warming and ozone depletion are two entirely different things.

    Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect; the greenhouse effect is a natural effect that allows life on earth. Greenhouse gases such as methane, water vapor, and co2 act like a greenhouse; they let sunlight and heat in from the sun and then they keep some of it in.  However, since the industrial revolution, humans have been adding a lot more co2 into the atmosphere (mostly through burning fossil fuels). Adding a large amount of co2 increases the greenhouse effect, keeping more heat in the atmosphere, causing global warming.

    The ozone depletion, however, is caused by ozone depleting chemicals (mainly CFCs).  These chemicals interact with the O3 in the ozone layer, causing ozone to break up, leading to an ozone hole.

  2. Several things you should know

    1) The ozone hole is caused by CFC's

    2) The ozone hole isn't actually a hole but a thinning by about a 1/3 of the ozone only over the Antarctic, the ozone layer of the whole world thinned but the effect is amplified by the cold air over Antarctica.

    3) Global warming is caused by water vapor, co2, methane and other trace gases since the start of the industrial age co2 levels have risen 35%

  3. Oh dear, oh dear...

    Global warming and the hole in the ozone layer are unrelated.

    Global warming does not cause the ozone layer to thicken.

    Ozone is a greenhouse gas but is one of the least important.

    As the initial assumptions were incorrect, then the conclusions are incorrect and the question becomes unanswerable.

  4. let me correct your 1st sentence...

    Global warming doesn't thicken the atmosphere...the gases that are usually from pollution are trapped in the ozone layer, thus, this gases do not allow the extra heat from the sun to reflect back to the universe. This causes the earth to become warm 'coz all the heat is trapped inside...

    Ozone depletion on the other hand is also caused by pollution. This pollutants destroy the ozone, depletes the formation of ozone(O3), the substance that forms our Ozone layer.

    Global warming-heat is trapped inside...making the earth warmer

    Ozone Depletion- ozone layer becomes thinner thus UV rays can pass easily and can cause cancer etc.


  5. That seems to make sense and all, but I guess it's just not working like that for some reason.

  6. Global warming is due to accumulation of certain gases.

    Ozone layer depletion is due to some other gases called CFCs.

    Global Warming is nothing to do with Ozone depletion.

  7. Global warming has STOPPED. What's going on?

    The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as every year since 2001. Global warming has, temporarily or permanently, ceased. Temperatures across the world are NOT increasing as they should according to the fundamental theory – the greenhouse effect. Something else is happening, perhaps similar to the GLOBAL COOLING observed between 1940 and 1978.The period 1980-98 was one of rapid warming – a temperature increase of about 0.5 degrees C (CO2 rose from 340ppm to 370ppm). But since then the global temperature has been flat (whilst the CO2 has relentlessly risen from 370ppm to 380ppm). This means that the global temperature today is about 0.3 deg LESS than it would have been had the rapid increase continued.

    For the past decade the world has NOT warmed. Global warming has stopped. It’s an observational fact.   *** From article in the by David Whitehouse, Ph.D. in astrophysics ***


    Additional Details:

    That global warming has stopped (at least for the last 10 years) is NOT my opinion; it is scientific FACT using the universally accepted measures used to record global temperatures. Even though CO2 concentrations continue to increase in the atmosphere, global temperatures have NOT increased in 10 years, so something is WRONG with the "greenhouse effect" theory.



    1.)From 1940-1978 there was a measurable global COOLING.

    2.) From 1980-1988 there was a measurable global WARMING.

    3.) Since 1988 there has been NO measurable global warming - the global temperature (as it has calculated in all 3 periods) has leveled off.

    Like them or not, these facts are NOT in dispute by climatologists. What is in dispute is WHY the global warming has not kept pace with the rising CO2 levels AND WHETHER the global warming will start up again.

    I am just reporting what I have read in various scientific journals on climatology.

    Response to one skeptic: The article I cited (and others) talk SOLELY about global TEMPERATURES, then determining a mean (or average) for the planet +- standard deviation. It involves statistical analysis of millions of readings at many times of the year - but the formula remains the same year after year so that the years can be fairly compared to each other. THAT is how "global warming" is defined. For a decade the mean global temperature was increasing RAPIDLY every year, following the increases in CO2. But since 1998 the mean global temperature has NOT increased at all, even as the CO2 levels have kept increasing. So, one must conclude that the "greenhouse effect" is NOT the sole cause of global warming or global cooling.

    Global warming and cooling are cyclical events that have both occurred many times in the Earth's past - all climatologists agree on that (witness the last Ice Age). What is UNKNOWN is why these events occur. FACT: "Global warming" stopped 10 years ago - whether it starts again or we enter a COOLING period (like 1940-1978) ???

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