
All time EMBARASSING moment of yours?

by  |  earlier

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Just because i need my laugh for the day :)


Once my friend went out and bought a lip plumping lip gloss, but unfortunatly it didnt work for her, so she offered it to me.

I tried it and it worked really well so I started wearing it.

Of course I didnt think twice about kissing my boyfriend while wearing it, and forgot about it until I looked over and his lips were 5x their regular size! I was horrified, and when he realized what has happened he was even more horrified.

That date ended early.




  1. Little while ago I lost a bet that I have to give out pictures of myself in bra and panties to people that ask. That's pretty embarrassing. :)

  2. I was 16.My friend and I had to pick up my binder at school after hours because i forgot i had an important assignment in it. so on our way out, i stopped at my car and tried to open it. it didn't open. after the first half hour i was getting scared because i thought my battery died and i had to meet my mother somewhere. Then, an hour later, i looked at the car and figured out that it wasn't my car. my car was parked halfway down the parking lot. I was wondering why those stupid cheerleaders were laughing at me.

  3. Hmm...


    Once my friend Ed was being a jerk and grabing the back of my bra and snaping it (the bra was under my shirt at school haha) and he kept on doing that all day!! and it was lunch time and i was sitting with all my friends and he came up behind my and snaped it REALLY hard and it broke!!! So I had to walk around for the rest of the day with no bra on and a tight shirt on and plus it was cold in the class rooms so was noticable!!!! And every guy and even girls were staring at me!!!!! My bf said he didn't mind hahahahha!!!!!!!! He made me laugh though so that was good i guess...

    But that was the most embarassing day of my life!!!!!!

  4. i had my first period at my quincenera. the weird part was that i'm a guy...

  5. LOL... nice.


    well it all started when i had had tech. drawing. since all of the tech. classes are a little far from the bathrooms you have to use the icky single sathroom in the tech. office. so i was walking to the bathroom and in the office were some highschool students. that isnt very unusual, a lot of them come their for lunch and watch TV. so i went, without thinking, and opened the door to the bathroom and there was a highschool student in there PEEING! i closed the door shut and had to wiat for him to get out... all of his friends were silently laughing behind me. he got out looked at me and sat down. i went to the bathroom and left in silence.

    Lesson learned: ALWAYS knock first, and trust me... you WONT regret it!  

  6. i was walking through the school, and saw my crush, i tried to look great, and then someone said something funny, and i tried to be cool, so i laughed really hard and nicely and i farted!!1

    i just ran out of the hallway, which probably made me look even more stupid!

  7. I was working for a charity that has a good cause and I was speaking to a nun about the donations we received and after speaking for around 20 minutes(mostly me talking btw because she barely knew two words of english) and after she  left I looked down and noticed my boob had fallen out of my shirt ,I had a bit of a malfunction and my shirt broke!oops!

  8. So it was my second day of work at a restaurant in town and I was serving drinks. Everything was going fine and I was generally enjoying myself. Well I was walking up to one table with the tray of drinks balanced on my hand it had three waters, an ice tea, coke and a lemonade. So I get to the table, put down the waters coke and lemonade but just before I could reach for the ice tea my tray totally tipped over on me and I ended up spilling the ice tea all over the lady sitting at the table! Needless to say I was extremely embarrassed and felt really bad. I'm sure the lady at the table would have been furious but instead felt bad for me because I was trying to hard not to bust out in tears!

  9. Oh gawd theres so many...but one time a bunch of people were over my house and I sung a nrivana song about a girl while my brother played the guitar. Its not a hard song to sing but lets just say I didnt really know the words that well and it was pretty  

  10. I was on a trampolene, with my bff, and my two guy best friends, and my pants ripped right in front of them, like rly bad, yea it was HORRIABLE!

  11. One time I was sitting on some broken picket fence with a friend because we were waiting for her dad to finish talking to some guy.  So we jump off the fence as we get ready to walk back to her house and the back of my pants get snagged on a piece of wood.  Next thing I know, there's a huge hole in my pants that's barely covering my *ss and the best thing was, I wasn't wearing underwear that day.  Oh yeah, great times.

  12. i peed my pants at school

    when i was 5

  13. It was right before school and i was walking to the bus when i fell in a mud puddle. I had a BROWN stain on the back of my pants the whole day!!!!

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