
All you Feminests i have a simple question...why?

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the Us is allready more the equal why do you want more there is no more execpt female domination




  1. if your so sure of that then perhaps you could give us some examples..................

  2. I don't consider myself a feminist, but the US is not "more the equal".

    Women get paid less, and there is still so much that could be fixed. Just look around and pay more attention..

  3. If the US was equal, we wouldn't be having this debate.  Women are paid less and a lot of us don't get the respect we deserve.

  4. Today women still only make .0009 cents to every million dollars a man makes.

  5. Thank God I am not a feminist.

    Talk about your frustrations and bitterness being bottled up into hate. Doesn't sound fun. =P

  6. feminist's want female domination. All you have to do is read there books. It is all they talk about.

       Feminism is a female supremacist movement nothing more nothing less.

  7. I have been a dependent spouse with two children, my husband was in the military.  I have been the major bread winner, my husband was discharged and went to school.  Equality is an emotional issue thaat requires us to accept and deal with ourselves.  If you feel equal than you will be treated as such.

  8. the feminist movement is an extremest group bent on the destruction of men

    woman run this country and always will strictly because of s*x

    wut happens when we get married woman take over everything

    wut happens when we get divorced woman take everything

    wut happens if we cheat we get yelled at beat on and possibly seriously injured and u hear "You go girl"

    a woman cheats on a man  and if he yells to loud he's a monster

    wtf men are being oppressed now

  9. What exactly are you talking about?

  10. When there is equal representation in all state governments and in the federal Senate, the House of Representatives, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Oval Office, the Supreme Court and the majority of poor are no longer females, we'll still need feminism to continue the restructure of society to better accomodate women. We have MUCH more to do yet, especially to pave the way for women in less developed nations.

  11. The U.S. is already more equal than what?  Do clarify.

    We can be as comparative as we want, but the bottom line is this: anyone who does not identify as a man, all across our world, collectively bears more hardships and challenges than their male counterparts.   Feminists (of all genders) respond to issues beyond wage equality, reproductive rights, and opportunities.  It can also be about the way "traditional roles" are given to women in society, ideas around childcare, health benefits for single mothers, and overall, ways to create an environment that will empower someone to manage her life as she sees fit.

    Ultimately, several published writings explore the interlocking nature of various oppressions leading to birth of feminism. You can start here:

    But good for you for attempting to be cutesy in asking this question.

  12. Show me some evidence for that statement. No, I forgot, you can't- you just pulled it out of your rear end.

  13. No...women in the U.S. are most definitely NOT "more than equal" to men.  We've still got a ways to go.  And until we get there, I'll be a feminist.  And even when that happens, I'll probably still be a feminist...because I still believe in equality (my belief in equality would not diminish in the presence of equality, in other words).

  14. Do you have any evidence to support your statements?

    Misogynistic patriarchal societies have ruled humankind for thousands of years.  

    Opportunities, promotions and income should not be based on gender.

  15. I love it when white Anglo Saxon women play the victim.There are too many melodramatic answers on here. People are sheep like to authoritative figures. Not only feminism, but n**i Germany and all ot the various Marxist regimes, are exampe of this. I find it amusing that people enjoy committing cultural suicide.

  16. My question back to you is why are you in here? Are you in hopes that you'll hear us women talking about sexxual related items. Get a clue !!!

    And since when does everyone have equal rights in this country? If men were to switch pay scales we'd hear you men bitching all of the time.

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