
All you people out there who do crew... this one's for you!!?

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joining a crew team at my local boat house with my friend. we aren't very experienced, but that's ok since it's a novice crew team. anyway, my questions are:

1) what sort of clothes should i wear? it's probably going to be a little cold out on the water, at least, for a little while until it gets a little closer to summer, so i need somethings that are warm, but also waterproof, since i'll probably get wet.

2) what shoes to get? just regular sneakers?

3) what sort of training/exercises should i do to get ready so i'm not all out of shape when we start?




  1. It's strange, this will be my 4th year rowing and I always ask myself similar questions >.<

    1. Layer! Great advise I've been told and have found useful. By layering, you can always take something off if you get too warm, and even put things back on if need be. With the weather being so frustrating (at least where I'm at) it's a good idea to bring a wide range of clothes. For cold weather I normally wear at least one tech./long sleeve shirt, a short sleeve shirt on top of that and maybe a windbreaker/water proof jacket. Experiment with bottoms, but around this time of year long spandex or short spandex should do the trick. (Underarmour and JL are good brands to go by, but really anything that gets the job done will do).

    2. I wear gym shoes and then leave them on the dock (this is also useful for the possibility that I might be erging instead of going out on the water). If I'm pretty certain I'll be going out on the water I might bring along slip on sandles (adidas or crocks, sorry to be throwing around brand names)

    3. If you can, try to work out on an erg (although make sure you have proper technique so that you're not learning the wrong way, either ask an experienced rower or you can even find technique videos on youtube). Half hour pieces might do some good if you're just trying to get into shape. If you can, perhaps asking your (soon-to-be)coach what they think you should do.

    Sorry this is so long, but I hope it helps. Best of luck!

  2. finally something about crew!! haha

    1)when you row you dont usually get too wet, except when people splash you on accident. Which will probably happen since you are on a novice boat. Just wear like the usual t-shirt and spandex. the t-shirt doesnt have to be waterproof but make sure the jacket is, in case it starts to rain or for the end of your workout.

    2) just wear regular running shoes

    3)try running a lot, working out your abs with crunches and bicycles. try to push yourself physically because you will be definetly doing it at crew. build up your endurance

    and good luck!

  3. hope you get some answers, cuz i'm wondering the same things =)

    i do know for a fact, though, that you use regular sneakers.

    also... i'm wondering... i'm not so tall. just average height. does that mean i'll be bad at crew?

  4. 1) Make sure you have at least spandex pants/shorts. Cold Gear Under Armor works great to keep you warm. A normal shirt is fine, along with a water proof jacket. Also, try to avoid sweatshirts with one big pocket in the front.

    2) Regular sneakers are fine. You'll only wear regular sneakers on the erg (rowing machine). The boat has shoes bolted into it.

    3) Running, with a little bit of lifting, low weight high reps.

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