
All you so-called gun experts?

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whats with all the idiots who will tell someone that silencers are illegal, auto weapons are illegal, or you need a class II license. dont these people know this is the internet and there lies can be proven wrong by anyone with half a brain?




  1. Okay, call me an idiot but by-and-large in the USA firearm sound suppressors and full-auto weapons ARE illegal unless you are willing to 'jump through hoops' and spend a lot of cash.

    Jump through hoops:  Comply with all the necessary paperwork and background checks.  Find a full-auto weapon manufactured prior to 1986 that someone is willing to sell you.

    Drop a lot of cash:  Pay the transfer tax and pay the average asking price of a legal full-auto weapon:  $10,000.00.  

    It is actually easier to legally own a suppressor than a full-auto firearm, but it is STILL a hassle.  AND you still have no guarantee that you won't be arrested for possessing a suppressed/full-auto weapon and have to use the paperwork, etc. as a defense from prosecution after the fact.  Example:  Say the Prez is in town and you just happen to be 'around the corner' with your suppressed or full-auto weapon.  Try explaining THAT to the Feds or to Homeland Security.

    In the real world things are not as simple as you would like them to be.  Dream on!


    Dream on ranb40!  Quoting you:  "the high price ($4000 and up)"  $4,000 and UP???  That's a lot of cash to drop ranb40, so how am I exaggerating?


  2. If silencers and full auto weapons are legal then why dont they sell them at Walmart???   Huh? --- It illegal to drive a car without a license to for that matter....   Legal? Yes! -- Can any moron with a smiley face show up to the ATF and get a permit? Nope!   Your only half right -- Sure they are legal IF you have a permit or license so why are you argueing samantics here.........   And look at the big picture here.... Some of the folks asking if full auto weapons and silencer questions happen to spend a lot of time over at the video game section -- Look at there other stupid immature questions....   And another thing -- You dont know who your dealing with here.... Why help some misguided idiot out that may want to hurt somebody. The news is always full of fools with a s***w loose that snipered some trucks on a highway or shot a school up.... Why help somebody out that may have homocidal tendencys......

  3. You are certainly allowed to do so if you can. Go for it.

    As for legality, I have been to too many sporting goods and gun stores and gun shows to count but have not seen a single machine gun, silencer or "sawed off" shotgun for sale. Why not?

  4. People who claim that silencers or machine guns are illegal are liars or very stupid.  Would these morons say that driving a car on the freeway is illegal unless you are authorized by the government to do so?  I doubt it.  Except for the time wait, obtaining authorization to own a silencer or machine gun can be easier than getting a car and a driver’s license; no test or license is required.  Anyone who is 21 and up and not a felon can receive one from a dealer

    H is exaggerating AGAIN.  The biggest obstacles to owning a machine gun are living in a state where they are legal, the high price ($4000 and up) and getting the local sheriff to sign the ATF form 4.  Most states allow machine gun and silencer ownership.  If the local sheriff refuses to sign the form, then it is easy to form a trust to own the gun or silencer for you.

    The rest of it is easy.  Just download the ATF form 4 from the web, fill it out and get it signed.  Attach your personal photos, fingerprints, form 5330.20 and a check for $200 and send it in to the ATF.  Approval is routine and I have never heard of anyone being denied as long as they filled out the forms correctly.

    A few states like Texas and Florida ban silencers but make an exception for those that are registered with the ATF.  Since it is an affirmative defense to prosecution, the owner must present his ATF form as proof of legal ownership on demand.  Most legal owners of NFA weapons carry copies of their ATF forms with them when shooting.  Only a corrupt policeman would arrest a person for owning a silencer after proof of registration as presented, but H says these cops exist.  Too bad for them, they are a civil lawsuit waiting to happen.

    The possibility of being subjected to police corruption should never be a deterrent to exercising a person rights.


    Edited to add;  A license is only required for those who import manufacture or deal in machine guns or other NFA weapons.  A person has to be at least 18 to make an NFA weapon on an ATF form 1 or buy one on a form 4 from a person in their state.  They must be 21 to take delivery from a licensed dealer. A person never needs a license to make or own for personal use, only a business is required to be licensed.

  5. People who are anti-gun or at least don't have an opinion naturally don't know a lot the subject they are talking about.

  6. Some people are just blindly repeating what they have been force fed by the liberal media. Some are trying to help, but don't know the facts, others confuse the issue on purpose. And others just have a hard time keeping the ever changing and overwhelming laws, rules and regs straight. I know that occasionally I give the wrong answers when I let my typing out run my thinking, and I appreciate it when it is pointed out to me in a friendly way.

    silencers are not illegal, although some states ban them. Same with class 3 firearms. No, you don't need a special license to purchase (if you go thru the hoops and do it all correctly, pay the fees as required, tax stamp etc, and live in a state that allows their possesion)

    But my question back to you is, why let em get to you so strongly when they give wrong info? Half the fun is pointing out the correct answer, providing the proof, and having them either thank you for the correct answer (which means you just converted another person into a legal gun owner, or made them a safer shooter) , or watching them eat crow and squirm when you call them on it. ;0)

    shoot safe

  7. I asked basically the same question.

    Then you have the "part right" people who think they "know the law", and don't, like:


    Who correctly states;

    "In the USA one can not legally own silencers or fully automatic weapons unless they are appropriately registered."

    But then goes on to show that, despite his claim to "know the law", he doesn't know the law, when he states:

    "ATF will in fact show you the error of your ways if you do not have the appropriate license, by prosecuting you in federal court."

    This demonstrates that he doesn't "know the law" because there is NO Federal License required just to own a full auto, Short Barreled Rifle, Short Barreled Shotgun, AOW or a silencer.  Registration is ALL that is required, so BATFE will NOT be "prosecuting you in federal court" for not having a license.

  8. This is an open forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion. However incorrect, liberal leaning it may be.

    Attn; Mr. rotorhead, quote "I have been to too many sporting goods and gun stores and gun shows to count but have not seen a single machine gun, silencer or "sawed off" shotgun for sale. Why not?"

    Sir, They exist. I would like to extend an invitation to attend shows where there are numerous NFA items for sale. They are a lot of fun. No transactions take place other than deposits left and folks walking out with Form 4's in hand to complete and send in to ATF.

    Luckily, I'm poor and can't afford too many.


    Yes!  Machine Guns & Silencers are legal and the following are in stock.  Don's has been class 3 for 35 years.  The only difference in you buying a Machine Gun or Silencer is:

    1. If you qualify for a Pistol and you are a U.S. Citizen, you qualify for a Machine Gun or Silencer.

    2. There is a Federal Tax involved for both.  The tax for both Machine Guns and Silencers is $200.00 and must be paid when you purchase.  You cannot take possession until the government sends your receipt back.  ( You can come in and shoot your purchase on our range while you wait).  This is a one-time only tax.

    If you want a silencer for the Rifle or Pistol you own, we do that also.  You have to bring your weapon in.

    Remember, it's always less somewhere else when they don't have it.



    [  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  ]

    "It's better to own a gun and not need it

    than to need a gun and not own it."

      Hope this helps put it to rest. came off the internet.

  10. They are victims of liberalism and the mass media, the biggest perpetrators of gun lies in America is the media. I saw a question earlier today where some "top contributer" told the questioner that silencers are illegal in all 50 states! What a complete tool, yes this is the internet, and research isn't that hard to do. I guess if the newspaper tells them something is a fact, they blindly believe it.

  11. There are a lot of anti-gunners out there that have heard things and keep spreading these untruths.  I'm not sure about other states, but my states notes that you can own only an automatic only (no selectfire) but to purchase it you have to get a letter from the police chief of your town indicating your need for it and you have to pay these obscene tax stamps on an annual basis.  I too thought that this stuff was illegal until I went to a gun show and saw a guy selling a silenced uzi.  He gave me the sheet of rules, I believe the gun was $7000 and the silencer was another $3000 and on top of that you had annual fees of like $5000 to keep it.  I cannot confirm as I don't have the money to be throwing around for such cool toys, so I simply have my mini-14 which I find more than sufficient.

  12. Thats why it pays to do your own homework to qualify the answer you believe is correct. Its called covering your own A-S-S.*

  13. In Canada these things are illegal because the country is run by a bunch of hippie liberal douche bags. You Americans don't know how luckey you are to be truley free.

    You can not buy these items at all not even with a permit. It is hard enough just get a hand gun and even then you can only shoot it at a gun club. And forget about stopping for lunch on the way home you can't stop you have to go straight home.

  14. While correcting folks, you should be aware of a fact yourself.

    You don't need a license to OWN a Class III weapon or device. You need a license to SELL Class III weapons and devices. As well as needing a license to SELL any firearms as a business.

    To OWN a Class III weapon or device (I.E. Suppressor) you Must apply for and receive a transfer of a Federal Class III device. Without the paperwork in hand at time of purchase the transaction will be classified as Illegal, and you will then be in possession of an "Illegal" weapon.

  15. In the USA one can not legally own silencers or fully automatic weapons unless they are appropriately registered.

    ATF will in fact show you the error of your ways if you do not have the appropriate license, by prosecuting you in federal court.

  16. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”  

    Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda in n**i Germany from 1933 to 1945.

  17. Wow, so your trying to tell me I can just go buy full auto and silencers at any gun store with no special permits or tax stamps?


    In Kansas, it is just recently been made legal for dealers to posess and sell full auto and silencers, and can only sell those to the military, military contractors, and law enforcement.

    Average joe cannot own these, unless he has a valid ffl, and a storefront, and the appropriate tax stamps for these items.


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