
All your life you've been waiting for that special someone, what happens if there is no one waiting for you?

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That's okay. I'm not waiting anymore - have found my special someone a long time ago. In fact, I have 3 grown up kids to show I'm done. My q is just that...a q for those who are still waiting. Hope it doesn't take that long for some of you.




  1. that would be bad but its a fact there is some one for everybody

  2. Are you looking in the right place? Go on vacation to a place you've never been, a foreign country for example. Timing is everything. Best of luck!

  3. there's no such thing as that honey.

    -- i strongly believe.

    life is nothing but symmetry.

    everything has a match,

    and everyone has a destined partner.

    you feel hopeless because you're getting impatient.

    don't worry. that person made for you, will also come.

    no one knows when that day will be..

    but someday, i'm sure your roads will cross.

    i used to be like you you know?

    i always ask what's wrong with me..

    because the guy i've been waiting for,

    is not yet coming.

    but i came to realize,

    that are a lot more things that i have to think of,

    other than that.

    just as they say..

    you don't need to wait for love,

    because love will come to you.

  4. Sometimes love doesn't come with a glance across a crowded room,sometimes it must be nurtured and allowed to grow

  5. Then it must just be you. Everyone knows that first it's physical attraction and if there isn't a soul in the world that finds you attractive even if their ugly then your out of luck. You must be that ugly.

  6. that's okay, since I am the one waiting, I am so positively sure that someone out there is searching for me.

    here's a song for you Ms. Annabelle...enjoy!

  7. then you stop waiting and go look for them!!!! theres always someone for someone its just a matter of when you find them and how that all  

  8. Life is not about waiting, it's about doing something.

    If you need a job, can you wait for the companies to look for you and hire you?

    If you need money, can you just sit there and wait for the money to come your way?

    If you lost something, do you think it will return without you looking for it?

    If you're waiting for someone, how can that someone know that you're waiting? And if he doesn't know you're waiting, then he will definitely not wait for you.

    Hope I didn't confuse you.

  9. ...i have got to believe this

    Where the boys are, someone waits for me

    A smilin' face, a warm embrace, two arms to hold me tenderly

    Where the boys are, my true love will be

    He's walkin' down some street in town and I know he's lookin' there for me

    In the crowd of a million people I'll find my valentine

    And then I'll climb to the highest steeple and tell the world he's mine

    Till he holds me I wait impatiently

    Where the boys are, where the boys are

    Where the boys are, someone waits for me

  10. you spend your life alone and forlorned

  11. we should always be ready for situations as such..if no one comes, then i'll have to accept the fact that i'll be happily single for the rest of my life.  

  12. I have waited for so long to have that special someone. I thought I found him. Spent my life with him for more that 5 years then all of a sudden, he's gone.

    I was in my lowest and even thought that it was the end for me. Everybody would tell me that I can find someone better than him. But how, where, who, when...?

    I cant brag to anyone yet that I have completely healed. But I know now that I found the most special and most perfect that will treat me the most special and most perfect. I found my one and only God. And if there is anybody for me in this world, for sure He will help me seek him and he will help him seek me in his perfect time.


  13. There's always someone waiting for everybody.. Maybe either you missed them already or they are just in front of you but you can't see them. Maybe it's a friend, neighbor, or acquaintance that's always been there but your eyes were just close because you are expecting of someone else..

    Open your eyes wider.. Good luck.. At the most, love yourself..

  14. you love the ones you are with.

  15. if there's no one waiting for me then..

    i will find my special someone and i will not wait anymore..

    i will do something to make him mine =p

    love love love  ^_^

  16. uhmmm.. maybe the guy is tired of waiting so he decided to leave..

    `ahaha, i'm still waiting. i'm just 13..

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