
All your rugby crazy guys. Which international side is the best ?

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Come on, let us hear the support. I say Springboks.




  1. South Africa.

  2. Charlie L, you say:

    "Many teams, on their day, such as Samoa, Argentina, Fiji, etc., can beat any team they wanted to."

    Then how come these teams have never beaten the Springboks or the ABs despite wanting to on more than one occasion ?

    Think you forgot to put "almost" before "any team the wanted to."

    There are two teams at the top and the gap between the number two spot and the number three spot is vast.

  3. The best rugby team in the world is the Maori Rugby team. They have beaten all major sides including the Lions - and this without the inclusion of their established All Blacks. The All Blacks get first choice - if the Maori Rugby team selectors were given the go ahead to select their best players, were given decent time frames to coach and train their players and a decent budget they would really shake up the world rankings.

  4. France.

  5. Best winning record in World Rugby since thay started playing international rugby over a century ago is New Zealand hands down, failure to win a world cup since 1987 counts against them, but if the criteria for this question is overall sustained excellence then the men in Black must get the vote.

    South Africans may find this hard to swallow, as they are the current rugby world cup title holders, and have the best winning record of any other nation against the All Blacks. But yet again another world cup winning side failed to wear that title with distinction when thy were embarrassed by the Brabarians in a recent freindly. No other side in World Rugby draws the same level of fascination or ire of rugby fans all over the world than the Alll Blacks, everyone just loves to beat them because they hardly ever lose.

    Surely that places them head and shoulders above all other candidates in this debate.

  6. South Africa are after winning the World Cup in good style.

    I'll be biased for the Super 14 and say the ACT Brumbies

  7. NZ are the best international team in the world. Baa Baas and Maori All Blacks aren't international sides but invitational.

  8. It's between the Springboks and the All Blacks.

    'Boks are current world champions

    AB's have the best win/loss record over the past few seasons.

  9. Ireland where good but were terrible during the world cup.

    I am a Ireland fan but have to say New Zealand

  10. as my zuid afrikaan friend said "we managed to win the world cup wuithout meeting any really good teams" well as a welshman I could smile....globally I would say the best side for rugby HAS to be the Barbarians

    .. they play for charity, play opne and creative rugby and their future is under threat because of the professionalism - who beat the Boks???? The Baa Baas ... over xmas go and see them on tour, also easter, if they are allowed to tour that is ....

  11. australia, and once ireland are back at the top of their game they will be up there too!

  12. The English and the Springboks

  13. It is Argentina

  14. Well, according to the RWC it is the Boks, but for general talent and's got to be the All Blacks? Surely.

    Aus and England aren't far behind though :)

    Many teams, on their day, such as Samoa, Argentina, Fiji, etc., can beat any team they wanted to.

  15. The All Blacks have the best winning record of all time against all teams. Check out the statistics. Including 'France' nonenzeder!!!!!!!! By the way thank God you are not an enzeder, we spit out people like you.

  16. All blacks

  17. all blacks but the springboks are gd as well.

  18. Over recent seasons the win loss ratio would have to go to the New Zealand All Blacks.

  19. All Blacks regardless of the fact that the coach and NZ Rugby board are seem to want to put an end to that.

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