Question: 888-452-5868?

by  |  earlier

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I was charged on my credit card 16.56 euro and 20.03 euro and 33.12 euro by 888-452-5868 for something what I don't know. And I'm not living in EU...

I found these web sites

But the Support Add: on the page of doesn't work.

Does anybody know how I shold do?

I want to prevent debit the amount from my account though it will be difficult... I'll phone to my credit card company tomorrow ( now it's outside of business hours) but I'm afraid the company will say "we can't do anything" as usual...




  1. is one of those scam program providers, they usually start by flashing up a warning on your computer saying you have a virus and should download this program, usually antivirus 2008/2009. People believe the warning is true, pay for the program and then this company not only gives you the virus by downloading the program but also cons you out of more money by sending you other virus programs that you didnt request. They may be connected with other scams but this is the most well known. What you'll need to do is call the credit card company and ask that they stop any further payments from this company, you might also wanna think about asking for a new card with a different card number to stop this company taking payments under another name. they you'll have to speak to the card company, you should have protection against things like this under fraud acts etc.. also report the company to trading standards..

  2. The difficulty with credit card debt is that it can take so long to pay it off that you just get almost bored and spend again.  Most people find it hard to live within their means and not get further into debt or back into debt.

    I can recommend starting to buy everything with cash - I'm telling you, when you see those bills going through your fingers you will really cut back on your spending!  It's far too easy to spend money you don't have with a credit card.

    You have to get rid of your credit card debt.  Either get a consolidation loan or consolidate your cards to ones with zero or low rates of interest.  Once you have done this you MUST get rid of your old cards - cut them up and destroy them otherwise you will be tempted to spend on them again and get into even more serious problems.

    You really can get out of credit card debt but it is going to require some discipline and self control and maybe even a five year plan, but once you are out of debt you will feel a new found sense of freedom!

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