
Allen Iverson is 3rd in NBA scoring and Top10 in assists and steals. Why isn't he on Olympic basketball team?

by Guest21587  |  earlier

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Allen Iverson is 3rd in NBA scoring and Top10 in assists and steals. Why isn't he on Olympic basketball team?




  1. Because he's a whiny loser.

  2. He definitely deserves to be on the there. But, i think the coaches just thought he may be too selfish for the Olympic team.

  3. My father ask me the same question. Wel its simple you cant only look at how good a player is , hes good at shooting , but who knows we probly need defesnvie players more than offensive players, and also you have to pick players that can play well with the others.


  4. no its cuz he doesnt want to alot of ppl didnt wanna go in it when they could've kobe and shaq werent in the 2004 olympics cuz they didnt want to and this year tim duncan dint want not gonna name all of them just giving an example

  5. Allen Iverson was related to a olympic scandal. I don't believe it though and no one really payed attention to it since he did take the shot to win that game.

    He was also late for practices and games.

    He is as tall as CP3 so don't listen to that guy saying he was too short. He plays defense like D-Wade, always trying to intercept a pass. Not something coaches like.

    Wade +  LeBron = less ball movement. Trust me, you need CP3 to keep the ball moving.

  6. Allen Iverson is my favorite basketball player so nice question. The reason he is not on the Olympic team is because he is getting old and he has already been on the Olympic Team and they didn't do that well when he was on the team. But he's still the an awesome player.

  7. It was a big issue when the World Championship team was announced by Colangelo in '06. They just simply implied he wasn't the kind of player they were looking for.  

  8. Practice Practice Practice. Just Kidding

    Its Because There Is No Good Weed Over There. Seirous  

  9. One because CP3 is better than him right now

    Two because Kidd is their "SECOND COACH"

  10. he had an additude problem but i think he sshud b on the team in stead of tayshuan

  11. He's to small and he can't play any defense. Thats why they went to Chris paul and Williams, bigger guards and can pass the ball steal and score.

  12. in athens, he was on the team, and obviously that  didnt work. plus, the team si already stacked at pg.

  13. Because coach K ain't just after talent... he wants a set of players that can actually play as a team.

  14. Iverseon is really shoot first an then shoot again... He only passes the ball to rack up his stats... plus... its because of him and marbury that we won bronze last time

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