
Allergic to bee sting??

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if a child is allergic to a bee sting, how long does it take for the "reaction" to occur?




  1. This is a very difficult question to answer because every one of us has different levels of sensitivity and reaction times due to either bee or wasp stings. Being stung before doesn't necessarily mean they are not going to be allergic this time or in the future.

    If anyone is stung it is important to remove the sting very quickly. DO NOT TRY TO REMOVE IT WITH YOUR FINGERS OR TWEEZERS you will squeeze more of the stings venom into the wound. Remove a bee sting by scrapping along the skin with something firm like a credit card. An antihistamine cream will take away some of the pain and reduce swelling. If the person develops red blotches in any area of its body other that the point of the sting, or displays any sign of respiratory distress after being stung call an ambulance immediately - they are showing the signs of going into Anaphylactic shock and this IS life threatening. IT IS AN EMERGENCY and will be considered as such by an Ambulance Controller. If a baby or young child goes into Anaphylactic shock they tend to crash very quickly so err on the safe side and get professional help fast.

    I hope this answers your question.

  2. I'm allergic to bee stings and my reaction time is about 11 mins, so I carry antisan tablets with me all the time.

  3. It depends on multiple variables....

    Has the child been stung before?

    What kind of bee stung the child?

    How allergic is the child?

    Are both of the parents allergic to bees?

    And what do you consider a reaction?  Just red swelling around the injection site?  Or full on anaphylactic shock?

    For me, within 2 minutes of being stung, I go into anaphylactic shock, as such I have to carry an epipen everywhere I go.

  4. I have been keeping bees for years now so I feel confident about answering this one.  If your child were alergic you would know by now. have him take a little benidryl. dont scratch or rub. he will have a small amount of sweling, itch and be sore for a few days. dont listen to any wives tales about topical treatments like tobaco, toth paste, baking soda, I have tried most and thay do not work. Just let it run its course for a few days


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