Trial by error, my story started somewhat like this: Throughout my college life, girl friends and I have had a knack for trying new martinis every time one came to cross our path. Every once in a while, after drinking an exotic new martini (not too far from drinking coffee or a carbonated drink), my heart would start fluttering, my esophagus would close up, and my chest would hurt severely. I thought, well maybe it was the mixture of alcohol and caffeine. Over time, it would happen again - three more times. After going to church this spring (I'm Catholic), friends and I decided to get shots to celebrate the end of Lent (and my end of giving up alcohol). I ordered my favorite shot, which is the Kamikaze. Instead, they gave me the blue Kamikaze, which is the same - only with Blue Curacao in it. After that one shot, my allergies acted up again and I couldn't breathe for a while. Then it hit me. The reasons why I never went for the oddly color martinis because they made my stomach queesy or why, after nearly every funky blue martini, I wouldn't be able to breathe and my heart rate and chest pains would start up. Searching the web, though, I can't seem to find anyone else allergic to this one substance - am I the only person who has strong allergic reactions to Blue Curacao?