
Allergies to Contact Lenses or Solution?

by Guest57516  |  earlier

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I have been using Opti-Free Contact Lens Solution and after I have contacts in for a few minutes my eyes itch, burn, and turn red. I know it's an allergic reaction because the skin around my eye starts itching and peeling.

Is this allergies to the Solution or Lens? I even bought new brand of contacts and same thing happens. What can I do?




  1. It's *possible* that you're allergic to a preservative in your contact lens solution, though this is more common with generic brands of solution.  Ask your optometrist if there are any other brands you might try.

    Some people are allergic to the protein buildup on their lenses, but this seems unlikely, since you said your symptoms occurred even after you bought new contacts.

    It is possible that you are allergic to the contacts themselves.  Again, you should talk to your optometrist.  You may be able to try on some different types of lenses in the office, to test each for a few minutes and find out whether they cause a reaction before you actually buy them.

    The site I referenced does mention that, for those with allergic problems, disposable or gas permeable lenses are best.  I'm not sure whether you already use one of these kinds.

    Good luck!

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