
Allergy which the allergy test does not pick up?

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When I went to the allergist I was told I had a "severely allergic nose", one of the worst she's ever seen. We were both shocked to find out that of the forty allergens tested, I did not respond to any! My allergy is so bad that I can not get a restful sleep and am tired and swollen in the face constantly. It's not dust mites, pets, pollen... what else could it be? There is nothing unusual in my house, and though I am a swimmer it has been a while since I have been around chlorine.




  1. I had an allergy check several years ago, it didn't pick up a single one of my food allergies, but it nailed every one of my nasal allergies (Cat hair, etc).

    Have you changed your detergent recently or something else that may come into contact with your skin or a chemical that you breath in from your laundry.

    What about stress?

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