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My daughter is ten years old and decided she wanted to start doing chores. I never made her start chores she just wanted too. I normally let each of my kids buy what ever they want with one hundred dollars each month. But she says that all the girls are carrying around they're own money in there own wallets. This surprised me a little but i accepted. Besides, she is getting older and more mature. I let her make her own chore list and i think it is reasonable, but the problem is, i dont know how much to give her? And i dont want to give her too much because im still going to give her the one hundred dollars a month.

Here is her list:

Clean my room and my bath room

Vacuum living room - once a week

Sweep gameroom, library and kitchen once a week.

Load and unload dishes - every other day

1 load of wash each day

fold one load every day.

Thats it! Is 30 dollars per week too much to give her?




  1. NO, does your mother know you have kids?

  2. are you rich?!?!?!!? im 14 and i do so many more chores than this and i only get 10 dollars a week. minus the 100 a month. god!!!!!

  3. the chore list sounds good. but the daily laundry sounds a bit much. How much do you do?  I do laundry once a week but I usually do three loads at a time.  

    The money sounds reasonable.  it is more then I ever got but I am 28 so that was like 12 years ago.  but the 100 dollars a month had better be given in 25 each week. no kid needs that much money.  it really ought to depend on their expenses.  You know if your child is spending their money responsibly.


  5. no. but i agree. dont give the extra 100

  6. I think you should give her 25 a week and cut the 100. And if you have anyother kids they should only get like 50 a month if they do not do chores, that way she would be making more than her siblings that don't do the chores.

    If you still want to give them 100 a month then go with 30 a week for her so atleast she gets something for the chores

  7. Heres what I think you should do-

    Give her the $30 or $25 a week in cash

    But with the extra $100, put it in a high-interest savings account for her, trust me when shes 18 she will be glad that she has a lot of money saved. (I wish I did).

  8. That sounds a little too much, IMO - she probably shouldn't be getting anything at ten years old.

    In any event, I did find this article EXTREMELY helpful.

  9. i think the whole money thing is too much  100 dollars what for  now extra for chores  why  she should be getting say 10 dollars a week  and you buy her the necessities shes 10 years old that is not old or mature  you are the mother not a friend  show her guidance and direction  you are in charge  you can be strong yet loving  direct this child in the path she should take

  10. I'd give her $25 a week and skip the extra $100, unless she also has to buy her own NEEDS - clothing, shoes, etc.

  11. I think 100.00 a week is way to much to give any child.

    I wouldn't give her more then 10.00 per week.  She also should save half of that.

  12. WAY TO MUCH!!

    It is great that she wants to help with chores.

    You should explain to her that part of these chores are things she is required to do .

    I have 3 children ages 13-4 and my 8 yr old gets $10 a week IF she does her few chores.

    Good Luck and Kudos to you for asking for others opionion, rather than giving into a child.



  13. Ask her how much her friends get and do that or id say $20

  14. Good grief one hundred dollars?  WOW.  My daughter is ten and if she does her chores and doesn't say rude things to her little brother then every week we give her FIVE dollars.  In three weeks she has enough to buy a Webkins or a new book or something.  These kinds of chores are mandatory in our house and they never really complain too much, but I have taken allowance away several times for the sibling bickering.

    Plus, she has been begging me for an iPod, but I absolutely can't justify that kind of purchase for a 10 year old.  I had to save up for mine after all and it was a big deal to me...the grown-up with a job!  Maybe for Christmas...we'll have to see.

  15. I'm 12 and i get 15 dollars a week 4 doing nothing and if your daughter is 10 she is probably going into middle school and she will start needing different, more expensive things than before, and its fine that you're giving her 100 dollars a month to spend and with the chores she chose i think 20 dollars per week plus the 100 dollars a month will be plenty. being 12 and getting 15 dollars a week, i have to buy everything except for my food and the bills (except cell phone i have to pay for that) i get along fine and if your daughter has a piggy bank or something in her room, you should encourage her to save 1/3 of the money she gets each week, and she will get by fine. i hope this helps!

  16. $30 bucks a week is way too much.  Also, why would you pay her to clean her own room?  At 10, she should be doing that  anyway.  She needs to chip in and help the family.  Take the $100 a month and give her a portion of it each week, or better yet, why not open a savings account for her?

  17. God, I've never heard of a more spoiled child.  100 for doing nothing?  

    You two BOTH need to visit a homeless shelter for women and children.  The 8 year old I am tutoring who lives at the homeless shelter was thrilled when her mother bought her a little purse from the dollar store for her birthday.  You need to put things into perspective here.

  18. I would add take out the trash every day but it basically sounds perfect to me! One thing though, you should make her put 10% back in a savings account to teach her the value of a savings account, I wish my mom would have taught me that! Maybe if she gets in the habit now, it wont be as hardwhen she is an adult.

  19. OK, first you have to ask yourself why are you giving her an alllowance for doing chores, and why are you giving her $100 a month for nothing.  The answer to this should answer your question.

    Do you want to teach her the value of a dollar?

    Do you want her to "fit in" with her friends, regardless of the values (or lack of) that their parents teach them?

    Do you just want her to have spending money when she goes out with her friends.

    I'm a young parent and the kids all consider me to be "cool", and yet I think $220 a month is insane for a 10-year-old.  At that age, they have no way of understanding how much money that is.  Even if you make a 7-figure income, that's a lot of money for a kid to be carrying around.

    If you insist your daughter is worth that amount, my advice would be to set aside that extra $100 and invest it in a savings account.  With interest, she would have well over $10,000 saved up by the time she is 18.  The $30 a week from doing household chores would more than cover any 10-year-old weekend activity.  And trust me, when she's 18 (or when you decide she is mature enough) and gets to cash in that $10,000 - she will thank you over and over again.
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