
Allowed to recharacterize contribution from my traditional individual 401k to my Roth individual 401k?

by Guest66901  |  earlier

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I have a traditional individual 401k (aka 'solo 401k'). I've recently opened a new Roth individual 401k. Am I allowed to recharacterize this year's contribution from my traditional individual 401k to my Roth individual 401k? If so, how would I do this considering that I've already bought stocks with the funds in the former?




  1. You can't recharacterize the solo K into the new Roth 401k.  But, you can rollover the solo K into a Roth IRA, which would essentially be the same as a recharacterization.  You would pay taxes on the pre-tax portion.

  2. Yes, it's very much possible.  You have to file tax form.  The funds can be transferred, and you will be required to pay taxes on the original contribution, assuming it was a deductible traditional IRA.  Call your accountant for more details./

  3. Since you're self employed you could probably do it (get the 401k company to return your money), however it wouldn't be legal.  Once money has been contributed to a trust then it must stay in the trust unless it was due to a mistake in fact and that would be hard to argue in your case since you're self-employed.  If you were to get audited then  you'd be in trouble...better not to taint the whole thing by trying something dodgey and simply utilize the ROTH next year.  

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