
Allowing local people to collect fallen branches from trees in a protected forest is an example of the?

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philosophy of ____________________.

a. recycling c. habitat preservation

b. sustainable use d. species reintroduction




  1. I'm going to say c. habitat preservation; because collecting fallen branches would:

    1.  Reduce fire hazard as dry branches are not lying on the ground waiting for a spark.  and

    2.  If they fallen branches are being collected in lieu of cutting trees, well that's pretty self-explanatory.

    Of course, this is just my version of logic and I'm guessing according to how I'm looking at it.

  2. ......great lengths people will go to to get out of spending time with family

  3. I'll say, b. sustainable use.

    Isn't kind of like, using all the parts, say, of an animal?  Like when an animal is used to provide meat, we also find ways to use the other parts not edible?

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