
Allyuh agree with $4.00 for doubles?

by  |  earlier

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I honestly can't see myself buying doubles as often as I used to because of the new price increase. I understand the prices of food commodities are going up; but come on!

What are your thoughts?




  1. Well, with commodity prices going up I have to expect it to happen sometime. But $4TT is still less than a dollar US and I dare anybody to find something as good as a doubles for that price over here! Second thing is where I'm at in the US right now is well over TEN hours from the closest West Indian place of any kind, so I made some myself. They came out good, but the time and effort it took was what got me. I'm very happy to spend the four dollars now that I know what they're really worth!

  2. Touchy Subject!

    The only doubles worth $4.00 is UWI doubles because its like a mini roti!

    Last month - case in point - Ali's in City Gate raised its price to $4.00 - they customer base dropped considerable (before it had long long lines) In two days the had a sign up "By Public Demand Doubles is now $3.00"

    SO lets practise consumer power - doh buy - it must drop when the sales are slow!  Doubles is fast food, and yuh cyar eat one and be filled (except UWI doubles)



    I don't agree as stated above prices were dropped when customers refused to buy!  Remember doubles was $1 -2 a year or two ago so by next year if allyuh continue to buy at your usual pace it goh $5 then $6 then $7~

    Don't we realize that it is us who have inflation so damm high!  We spending like never before -two, three cars per household, clothes $200 upwards for the ones we must buy!  Of course they are exceptions but we as consumers fuel this madness and of course complain when we items raise and still buy it!  We don't look at our options at all!

    KFC must raise and they are planning to do so again!  Food is the least amount of cost in running a resturant!  KFC have its die hards (yes I like it) but why pay so much money for cancerous causing food!

  3. ok, i agree that flour and oil prices going up every time you go to the grocery, but come on, it ent taking ah pound ah flour to make a doubles, and nowadays you getting bout 10 grain ah channa in your doubles and d bara getting smaller and smaller and thinner and thinner, just now you going to be able to see thru d bara.  further more you not getting your choise of sause by d doubles man again, he ent have cucumber, or coconut or shadon beni. is just pepper and chutney. make up your mind is dat you getting.  and every week the price going up.  

    and the more the price go up, the less people buying.  it have ah doubles man in Piarco (Old Terminal) he had ah ole mini pickup van, used to come around lunch time to afternoon with three icebox ah bara and sell that.

    then business pick up.  so he buy more ice box, and change d van to ah suv, start coming earlier and earlier, till he start coming 8 in d morning, so the morning doubles man, gone outta business.  

    he now have bout 12 icebox and he selling. was $2 then was $3 then $3.50 now is $4.  When doubles move from $3 to $3.5 plenty people stop buy. now is $4 he dont even have a crowd no more.  and to make ti worse, he pies is $6.  

    So im guessing that everybody learning how to cook now (me included) cause i not paying $4 for a doubles.

  4. well i agree and i dont agree

    i live in england and my mum being of east indian decent can make a sweet doubles. but for one from people who have been in the business and more skilled than her i have to get the tube, go london and pay £1 for one so tht is like TT$12/13 plus travellin LOL chek me workin out de maths and ting

    anyways when i reach trini i doh mind paying $4 dollars for one.

    on the other hand people in trini not working for £ they working for TT$ and tht price is ridiculous, and yes i know flour and oil prices  raising but still jed.

    but de doubles man hadda pay de same price for food tht evrybody else paying

    and if makin doubles is he income y we cyah cupport he

    so i doh mind buying doubles priced at TT$4

    big up to de doubles men all ova tnt

    ppl love it and go still buy it

  5. Everything in the grocery going up, so naturally dobles had tuh go up too.

    Allyuh see me, I still buy yes, me eh getting early on ah Sunday morning at all.

  6. How much for KFC, Royal Castle, Subway or a Chinese lunch or dinner in Trinidad? How much is a box of BBQ etc?

    So if I buy 3 doubles at $4 each is $12 ah just spend for lunch; and is the poor man I am supporting.  He has to eat too.

  7. so wham !! de doubles man can't drive ah SUV too ? eh is only KFC and dem must make ah big paper

    $4 eh nuttin when ah dinner speci by KFC is $33, daz bout 8 doubles dey ....nuff fu u and yuh  friends dem

    de man and dem have to live too eh it might be hard to pay dat $4 but yuh have to 'member de man have ah business to run and family to mind.

    But as another person said doh buy and de price go have to come dong. Is we who have de power to change so USE IT

  8. I'll gladly pay the $4TT cuz in toronto theyre like a 1.50 for one n thats almost twice the price u guys paying now..

  9. girl is true yes, flour, oil everything increase resluting in the vendors to obviously raise prices to make a profit, we all have to earn a living. i usually dont get to buy dat often cause the good ones are kinda far from where i live, but when i do get the chance(providing dat i want it) i guess ill still buy, next thing they stop making doubles on the whole now cause sales low!!!! oh gosh!!


    allyuh think about this, if we stop buying the doubles, the ppl aint go drop they price yuh know!!!!! no person would operate a business at a loss, they raise their prices because they are paying more for ingredients.. they will just stop selling on the whole!.

    or as i heard a man saying while i was in the mall "is best i stop working and kidnap somebody yes, because this wuk aint paying"

    think about it like this, yes it sounds easy to say stop buying high priced items, grocery items (we can stay away from clothing, etc) but what about ppl with new born babies and their mothers, can we stay away from milk?????????


    and, ppl complaining bout the price of doubles high, but still kfc have long, long line....

    the rich just get richer and the poor just get poorer....


    ppl i understand its easy to think, "ok, we dont buy something anymore, thay have to drop the price!" but..... Its not so!

    in the mean time, with us skipping out on these items, wat are we to live on?? EVERYTHING is expensive!!!

    from dinnermint to dining in a restaurant...

    are expectant mothers, or new mothers to say "milk to expensive nah, so i go drink water"

    it all starts with inflation being to high!

    but its funny though....... because a while ago i heard a lady saying how expensive the price of chicken was and that the children go eat corned beef, while at the grocery, YET, her jewellery was probably worth $2000

    manicure - $150

    pedicure - $150

    cell phone - $1000

    new hair colour $200

    seeing her leave the chicken right where it was - Priceless......

  10. well, i know its a place in south still sellin $2.50 ;) but yah got to get dere early. the quick jump up is what settin erybody off, but dat inflation erywhere. it jus hard to take. bread costin $9/loaf got i vex. when yah visitin it one ting, when yah doesnt have no more US$ ---dat anotha story.

    but dread, KFC makin big big dollas....dat too bad. specially wen doubles tastin so much betta & more healthier den dat hormone induced animal flesh......

    all we can do support d vendors who give good taste & good service & pray dey got d sauce we want.

  11. Julien - you is boss. LMAOOOOOOO....

    I have nothing to say because Julien say it all.

    OK one thing.  Doubles could reach $50 for 1 ah buying it......

    "4 to go please. Everything and plenty, plenty pepper and 2 solo cream soda. Thanks man..."

  12. this is exactly what i mean rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer why is it that the well off don't ever give a **** for the less fortunate man whatever little i have i always try to help others why don't the rick folks do that they think they might catch something by just looking at a poor person that just pisses me the f*c* off man who want to see more of their hard working money look in manning pocket

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