
Allyuh hear school hours in T&T changing?

by  |  earlier

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apparently it going from 8 to 4 like reular people. the chirren gettin to leave at 3 but teachers ha to stay till 4.

and ah hear they say they cuttin dong on the end of term holidays too.




  1. Lez,

    Did they say why they were considering doing that? I would imagine something prompted that. It might not be something sensible mind you, but something had to set those thoughts in motion.

  2. na na na na na na!!!!!!!

    where you hear dem kinda retardedness from!!!

    we school holidays cutting down??????

    omg!!! they cah do this jed!!!!!!!!!


  3. Now what's the logic in that? Is already stress, stress and more stress!!


    I now think about something:

    Parents go to work 8-4 leaving home about 6am (or before) returning home about 6-7pm. Traffic is stress!!

    Children go to school 8am and finish by 2-3pm. With the Junior sec system remember kids used to be going to school for 12pm??

    So yuh have a 3-4hrs time for the kids to be unaccountable, right.

    lt might be a good idea if just to have the parents and kids leaving and reaching home around the same time, if only to have some supervision because you know the devil finds work for evil hands. Just my thoughts.

  4. Dat make no sense... y teachers have to stay  till 4??? to correct school work??? ridiculous.. my mom used to do all her stuff at nite..

  5. manage Mom eh tell me dat yet? She musbe still too vex. But it eh makin no sense. She does correct all she papers an ting on weekends and when she reach home etc. Her stuff always gets done on time and proper so what is all dat for?

  6. This is ridiculous. My mother was a teacher and she did alot of her paper work at home at night while we were studying.

  7. for real????

    nah, i aint find that make any kinda sense really, unless somebody shows me different.

    huh, well sorry for them. thank god i done with school yes!!

    i was looking in the teaching profession a few years ago eh, but i realise my patience a little to short..

  8. actually lez, it was dat man from lavantille - lennox smith i think - who was proposing that they change school hours to 8 - 4.  which dont make no sense anyways.

    imagine 15000 school children in citygate looking for maxi when we done work!!!!

    wha kinda fool dem is? school vacation is the only time it doesnt have as much traffic on d roads, dey want to cut down on that to?

  9. Personally as an adult,and dispite all the different opinions,i think it will give children a little more supervision,when the leave school nearly/same time with there parents

  10. That real evil, boy! I really can't see what is the logic in that. I mean, after taking care of other people's children for most of the day they don't think that teachers want to go home and take care of their own? I glad I done with school, yes.

  11. thats silly why should teachers have to wait an extra hour ?- ahhhh  i never agree with this thing about working a certain amount of hours nah to me as long as the work get done in a proper manner when its done shouldn't be a concern- so if a teacher want to grade a paper while watching the news at 7 then what wrong wit that ??ahhhhh

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