
Almost 1 yr old!! gift ideas please!?

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I'm so excited (and a bit sad lol) my youngest child will be turning 1 yr old on the 21st. we are traveling to my parents to spend his first birthday w/them as we have done w/all my kids (i have 4).

I haven't had a little boy this age for about 10 yrs! so i have no idea what new toys are out there. i've been used to buying toys for my daughter (who is 2).

I know i could google "1 yr old toys" and go looking for hours, but that's boring. i wanted to see what you all would recommend.

what do your little 1 yr old boys love to play with?

nothing too huge or bulky, i want something that is compact, can travel w/us, and saves space.





  1. My son's not quite 1 yet but my mom bought him a "through the years" stick.  Instead of measuring his growth on a wall or doorframe and have to leave it (or pry if off) if we move, we can take it with us.  The one we got has measurements up to 6'5" and has his name and some sports balls on it for decoration.  I'm planning on getting these from now on for 1st birthday gifts for his friends.  It's unique and definitely something that will get used.  I wouldn't worry about getting him toys, I'm sure lots of other people will do that and a through the years stick is something he can keep forever and even show his own kids one day.  

  2. Anything that makes noise.  

    Little ride on bikes

  3. My son will be year old in only a couple of months and I've actually been wondering the same thing, as I know that our family will start pouring in the questions right before his birthday.

    Most 1-year-olds get plenty of the popular toys from friends and family, so when I give gifts to friends' children, I try to stay away from those that I know they'll already receive. I like to get those "see and feel" books that babies/toddlers really like. A big hit is those plush books with the crinkly paper inside that they can chew on and abuse without worry from the parents! If I do decided on a toy, I usually try those littler Fisher-Price pianos (made for 1 year +) because it can end up being helpful to development and education and yet is still simple and fun.

    I stay away from the "Baby Einstein" line of products. They're good when you need 15 minutes to get the dishes done, but that's for the individual parent to decide. Music CD's are the same, the parents will buy them if the really want them for the baby whereas for "hands-on" books and musical items you can never really go wrong!

  4. hi i have a two year old boy and had same problem as my next child up is 12 and 15. on my 2 yr olds 1st birthday i made him pancakes for breakfast,and he loves balloons so he got a special 1 year old balloon(which would've been enough lol) he also got a plastic outside swings (small slide attached to a climbing structure) he got his own special outdoor fold up chair and we had a party at the local pool for him and people brought him lots of musical,learnig toys which he still plays with all of them. but it really depends what your child really likes to do? my boy loves balls and is usually a gr8 and cheap pressie for any age, and he loves to draw so some crayons and a special colour book and maybe his very own table and chairs where he can do his activities,play-doh painting ect

    i hope this helps  

  5. Aww! I know exactly how you are feeling lil man is gettin ready to turn the big UNO and I am getting so sad just thinking about  I swear it seems like it was just yesterday when I was bringing him home from the hospital.  For my lil man I'm getting him a lil safari wagon with a canopy so I can take him for walks.  It's super cute and I know when I was a kid I loved my lil red wagon.  Also, at that age most babies like any toy that they can a toy lawnmower or a toy car/truck.  Just get creative..hope this helps!

  6. A book.  

  7. My daughter just turned one and we got her a toybox filled with toys/books.  Not so compact, but almost everyone who attended the get together purchased her a book and since then, she's been ALL about books and getting read to. She could care less about the toys, she LOVES her new books.  (Lots of touch and feel/animal/baby's first words type stuff).  She also got her own little Tinkerbell table, that she thinks she is way cool when she sits at, Im sure they have something along those lines for a boy, and the box it came in is compact.  Ill try looking for you....

    Here are a couple for a boy...

  8. "nothing too huge or bulky, i want something that is compact, can travel w/us, and saves space."

    Try the "HABA Dragonstone Castle With Inhabitants" --

  9. I know something alot of little Boys love are Play Trucks! Monster trucks, or even little MatchBox Cars- I think anything like that appeals to all little boys!  

  10. My little boy just turned one...and the toys from his birthday, that he absolutely will not let leave his sight is this car that makes noises and sings...and this little thing with wheels that he can walk behind...he absolutely loves them!!!!  (sorry I don't have any names for the toys, but you can get a little bit of an idea.

  11. My daughter will be 1 one the 20th and she loves her Playskool ball popper...she pushes it around everywhere! Other than that, she really loves books. We buy the thick cardboard ones so she can't rip the pages and she could literally sit there for 30 mins flipping through the pages and pointing to pictures.  

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