
Almost 2 weeks after my period I started bleeding again. It lasted 4-5 days and was like a regular period.?

by  |  earlier

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I took a pregnancy test and it was negative but it was really hard to see the line. never had any abnormal bleeding or irregular periods. any ideas




  1. Usually when you have your period a second time, something may be wrong and your body is trying to get rid of it! I suggest you go to the doctor right away! Especially if you start to get abdominal pains!

    This happened to me back in December and I had to go to the hospital. I had PID, sadly my boyfriend had given me Chlymdia-not saying thats what you have!

    You really should go to your OBGYN, soon!


  2. It could b your cycle is changing that happen to me a lot over the years also when I was a virgin to so u might not b pregnant or have a STD I think your cycle is changing or u might b stress to so take care of your self if u want u can go to the doc to get check out

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