
Almost 22 weeks pregnant.. looking bigger but not completely showing... Will it just pop out one day?

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Hey everyone.. I am almost 22 weeks pregnant with my first, I havent told my work yet, I am a little nervous.. You can't really tell that I am pregnant just that I have gained some weight.. I can feel my uterus and my whole lower stomach is hard, will it just pop out one day where it will be noticeable? or gradually grow bigger as I get farther along??.. please tell me your experiences..

Also because you didnt start to show until later in pregnancy did you have smaller babies?? and did your belly stay on the smaller side throughout pregnancy.. or at one point did it just quickly catch up and get huge??

Thanks so much!




  1. Yup, I am 23 weeks and once I was at 21 weeks I just popped out! I think that happens a lot, lol! With my first I was kinda the same, I didn't start showing until 6 months and I didn't get extremely huge, I gained 35 pounds and my son was a healthy 7lbs 13oz's. I guess it just depends on you and how your body handles gaining weight. I am having a girl this time and I have already gained 9 pounds, I hope I don't get huge this time! Good luck & congrats!

  2. yep, my best friend didnt start showing untill she was around 6 months and it was still a little bump, but she had a health 8lb boy even though she didnt have a big belly.. even in to her 9th month, her belly was big but never like omg.. she was thankfull for that though cause as soon as the baby came out. it looked like she barly even had a baby. and after about 2 weeks she could put her jeans back on...

    good luck

  3. I am 23 weeks and I have had a belly since I was 18 weeks. I just popped one night! I am measuring right on and my baby is the right size. I guess everyone is different. I love that I am showing I get so much attention and it is so fun!  

  4. For me it did. I was somewhat small up until 20 weeks - showing a bit but not huge. Then seriously I was bigger by 23 weeks and by this week (24 weeks) I am becoming a lot bigger! It seems as if it gets bigger overnight sometimes.

    My baby was measuring a little large at 18 weeks when I wasn't really that big.

  5. You're fine. :)  I didn't start showing until around my 6th month.  Every woman is different.  Until I got my "bump" I just looked chubby.  In fact, some people still think I'm only 4 or 5 months along AND my belly button hasn't popped yet.  (I'm still waiting for that to happen! :-D)  I'm sure you look great! :-D  Enjoy not being too big while you can, because after a while, you're going to get terribly uncomfy. :)

  6. Not at all, I am 24 weeks pregnant with my first and everyone tells me they can't tell. I have only gained 7 pounds. Every woman is different, but I have heard that a lot of times with the first you don't show as soon. And your baby will be just fine and be a normal size baby. Don't worry it is totally normal. I keep worrying one day it will just "pop" and show but I think for the first pregnancy it will really be gradual as long as you eat right and exercise.  

  7. Oh, wow.  It's been a while since I'd thought about that.

    First kid, around 4 months the bump started getting a little noticeable, unless I left my shirt untucked, then it was a bit more hidden.  Afterwards, though it did (duh!) get bigger, it didn't feel like it was all at once.  Once it started growing, it didn't stop until the day he was born.  It got to the really big part somewhere around 6 month mark or shortly thereafter.

    As for that baby being small - nope.  8 and half pounds.

    With second kid, I did show slightly earlier, but at the same time I still had a pudge left from first kid.  And since I still had some weight from first one, it was about equal on being able to hide it for a while.  But when I started to show, there was no mistaking it!  And that one weighed more than the first one!

    Congratulations!  A baby is a wonderful gift of life.  Hope you have many, many beautiful and happy times in the future!

  8. Now is the time to tell your employer about the pregnancy so that way they can prepare for when you go out...

    Most women show over night one day no tummy the next day you are as big as a house and need help with your shoes...

    But for ever woman it is different you may not show for another 3-5 weeks

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