
Almost 33's kicks are hurting bad?

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I am 32 weeks 5 days with my first. Obviously my little girl is starting to get a little cramped in there, but several times a day she is kicking me so far that I physically react (i.e. saying ouch, doubling over for a second, ect.), Again, I know things are getting crowded in there, but is it normal for the baby's kicks to hurt so often?




  1. Yes , well at least for me since about 30 weeks especially when he try's to flip or move around alot it feels like he is trying to crawl out of my stomach at 36 wks I don't have him flipping around but he still likes to poke out of my stomach and make it look kinda like jello when you wiggle it I admit its a bit annoying but I know he's ok in there and I cant wait till he is out I hate to tell you that it hurts a little more when they actually don't have much room at all especially since he's been head down for the past month and a half or so I can even feel him shaking his head back and forth which really doesn't feel much better because he is on my pelvis but look on the bright side your almost done and she will be here soon.

  2. Very normal.

    I am 28 weeks with my 6th and I call this my "ADHD Baby" because it is absolutely hypo! It seems to never stop kicking or moving.

    I quite often yelp in pain, more so when it kicks downwards - that hurts!

    Only 7 weeks to go for you... hang in there.

  3. Yupp iam 32weeks 4days and same thing happenes to me sometimes i have to hold my tummy and i say ouch, specially when im walking in the store. He is head down and sometimes the way he lays on my nervs and its like a sharp shooting pain really low by my pelvic bone. They are really cramped up in there now. I always feel something poking out im guessing its a knee or a foot i try to grab it but he always pulls away lol.

  4. YES! I started out 100 lbs with my first and ended up being 154 by the end! Every time he moved it hurt. You could see my whole belly move! So much you could see his foot poking out! My brother-in-law use to say I had an alien in me. All I can say is it’s normal and totally worth it.- Proud mom of two little boys!

  5. my son is huge and I am 37 weeks and I assumed he would be cramped in there too but he kicks me soooo hard!!

    I understand what you are feeling ... maybe this is why we feel it more because it is cramped

    It will be over soon hang in there

    Good luck :)  

  6. Yes, it is normal for kicks to hurt especially at 33 weeks.  It's also normal for pregnant women to yelp, ever now and then, most people know that the baby is kicking you.  Don't worry, she's kicking and that's always good, but not always good for you...just a part of pregnancy.

  7. Sure. I have two babies. my eldest is a girl. She would kick me so hard..I would scream high But yes totally normal. If u have her kicking u a lot. then U should move around more often. If  u sit in one spot for a while yea the baby tends to kick u a whole lot. Good luck... My son use to move around a lot but not kick me.. haha..

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