
Almost all my files on my computer suddenly disappeared. What Happened?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday all my files were on my computer. I turned it off and went to bed. Today all my pictures, music, written work and all personal files are gone. Only the original files that came with my computer, and application data are left. I have Vista Home Premium. However, when I check how much space is left on the c drive, it is the same as yesterday. I believe that the files are hidden somewhere, but I don't know how to get them out. Can someone help me???




  1. Are you sure you're on the same user account? Are you looking in the right folder? otherwise, I suggest searching for the files and hence looking where they are. Go for "search" and enter a file name you remember, then right click it and press something like "find path" or whatever it is in english (mines german) and hence you know where it is. Then look in that folder to see if your other files are there. If this doesn't work, I have no idea what could have happened to your files... sorry! Maybe try looking in the deleted objects folder (trash can)... Hope this helps. :]

  2. try going into my documents, click tools, click folder options, then click show hidden files/folders.

  3. Alec, it sounds like you accidentally logged in as a "Guest" instead of with the standard User ID you normally use.  Click on Start and then the little right-arrow on the right side and choose "Log Off."  Then make sure you log in with your normal User ID.  Your files will be back where they normally are.  Don't panic!

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