
Almost blind and need help?

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I have been diagnosed with an advanced cataract in my right eye. I am completely blind in this eye. I have no med insurance, nor money for a surgery which is around $5000. maybe more. Does anyone know where i can get help?? I AM really depressed about this,and my other eye is very bad.. any suggestions will be appreciated.




  1. Call your local Lyons Club chapter and see if they have resources to help you with this. If they do not ask them if they know who you can contact that might help you out with this. Just keep asking. Contact the Salvation army, social services, the lighthouse for the blind, just keep thinking of health care and other institutions that can help. There are organizations that will help people who qualify. Good luck!

  2. I suggest seeking fiancial assistance for this problem. It is very important you get this done because u can risk losing your eye alltogether. There is not much you can do in this situation. Talk to your eye doctor because only he/she can determine how bad your cataract is. But please, dont delay otherwise more problems can develop.

  3. talk to your opthalmologist about options.

  4. If you're over 65, medicaid should take care of it. If not, you might qualify for medicare, or check into your state's insurance plans for low-income people. good luck!

  5. this is just outragious ! Here in India at Pondicherry, a cataract operation in a private clinic would cost you about 70$. the full check up costs you just one dollar. For thousands of poor people it would cost nothing.

    I have heard, many of our Indian friends come from U.S.A. get their dental problems attended, make their dentures, -the most modern ones, pay for all their fees, and the up and down plane-fares, and yet it works out for them much cheaper.

    Write to Dr. Natchiar,  Aravind Eye Hospital,  Pondicherry , 605007, S. India. She is a very kind person and will  help you in every possible way.

    Ph. No. +91 413 261 9100  to  9104 .

    Email :

    I know several foreigners, french and Americans, getting some small social security amounts , stay comfortably here.

    Homoepathic drops, ' Cinneraria' is available, Indian make- Bahola. It costs half a dollar per bottle. I have used on an old man with great success

    Good  Luck,  and  quick return of the eye-sight.

  6. You are going to need to have the surgery done if you are going to want to see. I would talk to your surgeon and see if there is some type of deal they would be willing to work out with you so that you could afford the surgery so you can see again. Many doctors are willing to work with their patients, and if your doctor isn't willing to work with you then try another doctor. Good luck!

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