
Almost due with my first child, hope to have a vaginal birth, but worried that I won't be the "same" down ther

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Okay, I don't mean to be too personal with myself or anyone else, but I am worried that having a natural birth will mess my "stuff" up "down there". I have asked friends if they are less together and they always say that they are "tighter" okay sure they won't say they are "blown out" lol (sorry to put it that way), but I want to know the truth. I know that I will have to be cut, and thats not the worrie, I guess Im wondering if my muscles will go back together. Im in pretty good shape down there and really don't want it to change. Please don't tell me anything about kegel exercises I already know how to do them! Thanks for the help if you have it




  1. No problems! Of course, right after the birth things are really messed up down there (it won't even resemble what it used to be), but after about six weeks, everything is back to normal and even better! After my first was born (6 weeks after since it took time for the episiotomy to heal), I actually got tighter...felt almost like I was a virgin again!

  2. it all goes back to normal...i  am so hopeless with those stupid kegel exercises and its seems to be all in working order!!!  good luck with everything!!

  3. i had the same worries when i was pregnant, and  i was certian that i would have to be cut! But, i wasnt- didnt even have any tears or grazes, and it all went back to normal.  i think its a normal worry, but with your first child is when everything is most likely to go back to normal!

  4. In your last month start doing what is called a peritoneal massage with baby oil. I used baby oil gel every time I went to the bathroom (after cleaning up with a sensitive skin baby wipe of course). The oil helps to soften up the membranes and prepare yourself to be STREEEEEETCHED out. I actually had pain with s*x after having my son (8lbs 6 oz) because I was so tight. I also only had 2 tears and only needed 2 stitches, but I was determined not to have an episiotomy and my midwife was really great at letting it all happen naturally.


  6. I had a vaginal birth for my first child, after hours of pushing I ended up with a ventouse delivery with the help of a massive episiotomy (cut), this was due to the fact that my pelvic floor muscles were too tight.  I ended up getting cellulitis of the episiotomy wound and was back in hospital 5 days after his birth on two lots of IV antibiotics.  Im not saying this to scare you, what Im trying to say is for the first six weeks or so after his birth things didn't feel too great down there and I was a bit worried about my pelvic floor muscles, also because of the extent of the episiotomy I couldn't stand for too long in one place for 6 months to a year afterwards without feeling achey down there, but as far as s*x and bladder control etc were I was completley fine.  I would say after about 6 months (apart from the achey feelings when standing too long) I couldn't feel any difference from before I had him.  (I was meant to be doing kegal exercises after he was born but they are sooo boring - I couldn't be bothered with them.)  I think that if you feel like things are in pretty good shape down there - then you should be completley fine after a vaginal birth - though the more children you have, especially if they are larger babies, this could change things down there though!!

  7. Five children,all vaginal births and as good as before number 1- I wish you all the joys of being a first time Mum - ENJOY

  8. our bodies are designed to give birth ,i am only 5ft 2' and both of my children were born naturally , they both also weighed 7lb 11oz. and i can truthfully say that i dont feel any different down below. when my first child was born i suffered with a second degree tear and had to be stitched inside and out, but this did not put me off. how do you know that you will have to be cut??? hope this helps and good luck.

  9. I had 14 stitches due to being cut. My pelvic area is small, so I expected 'the cut' also.

    I am not 'tighter' then I was but am about the same. I feel tighter in my head because s*x after child birth is a little anxious. I have done my kegals and all but I am not exactly where I was. The natural stretching of child birth can do a number on some women. There is always vaginal surgery if need be.

  10. I am 37 weeks with my first child and having a home birth. I was worried about the same thing but my mother had three children all vaginal and she says that it is just as tight as before. Of course there will be a time after birth about 3 months where the vaginal muscles will have to tighten back. Think of the v****a as a p***s, a mans p***s is made to expand when it becomes erect but after the erection a mans p***s goes back down and is not stretched out or "blown out". Same with a v****a, vaginas are made to expand and go back down to normal. My husband dated two women before I met him and both the women had children and he told me he could not tell between the women that had children and the ones who had not. I also have an older sister who is one of those people who tell it like it is and is pretty blunt and she would tell me the truth whether I wanted to know or not and she had 2 children vaginally and she even says that her v****a is the same as before. So because of all of the above I am not worried and you should not be either. One of the reasons I choice a home birth with a water tub is because it will reduce the risk of tearing or having to be cut. Also laying down during labor causes the pelvis to narrow causing labor to slow and be harder better to use gravity and not do what women have only done for the last 50 years "laying during labor" but do what women have done for thousands of years which is squat or hands and knees.

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