
Almost everyone I meet has some story about an unexplained phenomenon?

by Guest66122  |  earlier

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  1. I'd like to go on the record for saying.......the word "Unexplained"is kind of "ifie".its not unexplained if someone is telling you what happened and where it happened at;now if the phenomenon has history,that also leaves it wide open for debate.That's why theres hauntings,sacred grounds,cemeteries that get no rest,and the list goes on.For me its always been a way of life.....sometimes you just have to go with the flow to find out whats really trying to tell you something.If you want an experience,make sure that your ready for it..............Blessed be

  2. Gee, it sure makes it hard to say that ALL of those people are wrong, now doesn't it?

    Check us out on MySpace as Ghost Hunters!, or my Yahoo! 360 page- Ghost Hunters Unite! These are up and adding content weekly!

  3. Unexplained or just not convincing enough for you to believe?

  4. yeah ive got many too. However, the best I've read were from "Reader's Digest-True Stories of Suspense".

    When my cousin was very young she went into a room we seldom go into and it's usually a storage area and very dark. And she stood in the room and talked to no one in particular (she was 3 years old). When her mom asked her who she was talking to, she pointed right at an old chair in that room and she said "Oh, he's gone now!" It was pretty scary since my cousin has never had imaginary friends or such.

    My grandmother used to live in an old house once, and she used to see children play in her large backyard, but they disappeared almost instantly when she went outside. The door of the backyard was always locked. They were thin, frail children with sad faces. Later on, when she moved from that house, and relocated to another city, the town people discovered that the house she lived in had once been a children's Hospital for Tuberclosis many years ago. She always told me that she could swear she saw them, she recognized their faces.

    In the reader's digest true stories there were 2 stories that were actually very strange. Once in the early 1900s in england, there was a doctor who was closing his office at night, when a small girl in a red raincoat ran upto him and asked him to come and see her mother as she was very ill. It was raining so the doctor asked the little girl to sit in his car and show him the way to her house. The girl pointed out the way and took the doctor to a very poor house and led him to her mother. The lady was very ill and when the doctor gave her some medication and she felt a bit better, she asked him how he had come to her place? The doc said your daughter asked me to come. And the lady was very surprised. She said my little girl died 9 years ago, how could she ask you? And the doc described her red raincoat. the lady took out her girl's dresses and found the red raincoat. The doctor recognized it instantly, and the raincoat was wet because of the rain. (unbelievable.)

    Another one took place in US. A family moved into an old house in the countryside someplace and the old granny used to complain about a man prowling around the garden and the front porch in an Army uniform. According to the old lady, the man had a scar on his cheek. The family dismissed her comments thinking she was making it up. But when they went to a nearby museum to visit, the old lady found a picture of the Army man with a scar at the museum. He was identified as a brave soldier who died in the war many years ago. His address was listed as their own country-side house. The family couldnt believe it.

    Thats all for now. :)

  5. Sorry, I don't have one - things may look paranormal at first, but when you get out of bed to investigate, they never are.

  6. I have a few. One of the more bizarre ones involved this supposedly haunted hotel where my mom worked when I was a teenager. There are tons of bizarre stories out of this place. One summer a friend of mine and I were hanging out there with my mom and we were just sort of exploring the place. (We were the only 3 people in the building at the time as it was closed for renovations.) We sat at the foot of a staircase and were actually talking about the fact that the place was haunted when all of the sudden ....These footsteps started.

    They got progressively louder with each step like it was getting closer until it got to the top of the stairs and stopped. Then these steps literally began coming down the stairs one by one just like a person was walking down the stairs. We listened until it got about half way down and we couldn't take it anymore and literally ran away!

    I have no explanation at all for it. I would say it was some strange settling noise like old buildings typically make, but it was so distinctively the sound of foot steps that I can't explain it away so easily. There are many who have claimed to see a lady in a white dress walking the halls of the place at night.

  7. All mine are explained.

  8. When someone says they have experienced an "unexplained" phenomenon, that is all it is -- unexplained.

    A bit of analysis and investigation, or consideration of the laws of probability would probably yield an explanation, but people like to grasp at unlikely explanations -- ghosts, telepathy, pre-cognition, etc. -- rather than the mundane.

  9. I don't believe in any of this stuff, but I have one.

    I was in Jamestown NY, visiting my cousin. I live in Florida. Anyway, her 8 year old daughter came in one day and she was all shaking and white as a sheet and said she saw the Devil in her best friends window when she was coming home from play.

    We just all said she was imagining things and let it go only to find out her friends mother died that night.

    We found out about it and they told Lindsey the next morning. My cousin, the mom, was worried about Lindsey and told her that it was alright because her friends mom was in heaven now.

    Lindsey just looked all sad and said, "she's not in heaven" and it sent a chill right down my spine.

    That's my story, I'm sure there's some way to explain it, but it was very spooky.

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