
Almost failing math.....Need advice/help...?

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ok well let me start off by saying that this year has not been a good year for me in math, let me start by telling you that i failed both first and second marking period, and i got saved by a D in my midterm so that means if i pass both 3rd and 4th marking period and my final i dont have to come for summer school.

Now let me start off by saying that this is the FIRST TIME EVER that i have gotten 2 F's in one report card, heck i have only gotten 3 F's my entire school career, since elementary, im in 10th grade now. I really have pinned myself in a bad position.

Now the thing is i cant fail one more marking period or the final and if i do i will end up in summer school. I want atleast a B average. Now thats going to take alot of work.

I am very stressed, i got a test to make up and properties to remember for tomorrow and i simply dont have the time to study for tests since i got wrestling, wont go to much into detail but if u know about wrestling u know how hard it is as a sport.




  1. The problem is that math builds on itself.  If you don't know how to add, you won't be able to subtract.  So if you already failed two marking periods, the chances of your being able to catch up by yourself isn't good.  That is the bad news.  Now here is the good news:  most schools provide free tutoring.  Talk to your teacher about it.  If she doesn't know of any free tutoring by the school, ask her if she can "set you up" with another student who really knows what he is doing.  Tell him how serious you are about wanting to do better, and I'm sure he'll want to help you.  Follow all of his directions.  Also, there are sites online where you can go and it will ask you questions and then tell you if you are right or wrong.  But that's in addition to the tutoring.  The tutoring is the key.  Please talk to your teacher tomorrow.  The sooner you start, the better off you will be.  

    I wish you lots of luck.  I know you want to do well.  Put in the work (a LOT Of it) and you'll be fine.

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