
Almost hit twice by same driver!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was just driving home when this lady came out of a shopping center and into my lane so I swerved to the next lane. Well she then proceeded into that lane going across 3 lanes in total! I am 36 weeks pregnant with no family around and my husband is deployed so I was really upset cause what if something happened?!?!?! Anyways I wanna know how to report her but unfortunately after she hurriedly cut me off she then drove really slow and went into a back street so I couldn't get her plate number. I was wondering if the cameras at the intersection would've caught it and how I would go about reporting it?




  1. Unless you had her license plate #, it's going to be a lost cause.

  2. I learned a long time ago that if I was to be the worlds driving cop that It would lead to a very stressful life. not worth it get over it I'm sure you have made bad moves in your driving to. (What if) do you realize how overused this term is nothing happened be thankful for that.

  3. Call the police and ask them if this was caught on the cameras and if so maybe they can at least have a talk with them.....

  4. The other driver didn't hit you. You and your vehicle are completely unharmed. You got home safely. That is all that matters. Go on with your day like nothing happened.

    The system has a way of weeding out bad drivers in time, but there is nothing you can do. Let them go and stay on their way. There is really nothing you can do. A report would be worthless.The worst thing you could possibly do is attempt to confront them. They could have just robbed a bank and shot a dozen innocent people. Think about it, you don't want your unborn child nor yourself to be a victim. That is an unimaginable amount to lose.Try your best to stay out of harms way.

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