
Almost making it?

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In soccer, if you only ALMOST make a goal, you do not recieve any points.

In chess, if you only ALMOST check mate your opponant, you don't get the title of "victor".

In school, if you only ALMOST answer correctly, you do not pass the test.

In binary, there is not even such thing as "ALMOST" 1. It's either yes or no, on or off, existant or nonexistant.


In life, if you're only ALMOST a good person, only ALMOST a good friend, only ALMOST do the right thing...

You fail.


So how does one stop almost making it, and start actually getting there?




  1. It just happens when you are not looking.You find yourself sick of it all and you try harder without knowing that you do . But in my opinion the best thing to do is to work harder , work as hard as you can and when you do beat your record and work harder than you did before and you'll be getting a hang of it. Hope I could help ;)

  2. I agree with Patois. Life is a process, a series of events and I don't believe it's about ''getting there''. I take it by this you mean achieving a certain standard of life, material possessions and the pinnacle of your career?

    Well, real life is not that way. If your life path was a chart then there would be peaks and troughs, highs and lows.

    Very few people set out knowing exactly how to achieve their goals, knowing their place in the world, the chart rarely makes a clean diagonal. Even when people profess to have ''got there'' their life continues to throw surprises their way. It's all part of the rich tapestry if life!!

    So enjoy the ride as it's long time before you can get off!!!

  3. Try harder until you get it right.  It's called pursuing excellence, and it's hard work.  Also, stop trying to "get there" and be more "here" and in the present moment.  Oftentimes it is lack of that focus of being "here" in the moment that makes us fail in the long run.  Focus less on "getting there" and whatever you think might be "there" that isn't "here".  Focus more on paying closer attention doing your best and making your wisest decisions moment by moment in the here-and-now.  It builds up to true competence.  Instead of stretching your passion out thin into the future, draw up all of your concentration and wisdom into a powerful beam of energy in the present with which to better learn and remember and become more substantially empowered.

  4. This is an intriguing question...but it has a fairly serious logic breach.  The list of things that fail the "almost" test are all valid.  Then that list is bumped up against "life."  That's a broad leap.  I would suggest there are many, many things in life where "almost" is not only acceptable, but highly commendable.

    1.  Someone who "almost" aces a test in school still receives an A (best grade there is).

    2.  Someone who "almost" wins the Boston Marathon is still one of the fastest runners on the planet...and has a great chance at winning New York or London.  

    3.  Last fall I took my daughter out to pick up pecans along our street.  We "almost" filled a shopping bag.  We have enough pecans to last the entire year!  

    When we struggle hard in life (yes, even when we don't succeed) to be a good person, a good friend, or a good parent/child, etc., we are winners!  We are certainly not failures or losers.  

    So many people on the planet don't even TRY...anyone who is trying hard and almost always making it is a success in my book!

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