
Almost two to one, men are more likely than women to adopt a child

by Guest64350  |  earlier

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Will we stop seeing the numerous questions about how men do not want to be caregivers, or will the feiminist disregard the facts once again?.




  1. it is because those men can not get women  

  2. Huh?

    As a feminist, I've typed my fingers to the bone pointing out that it's a LIE that all men are uninterested in parenting.

    But as for the statistic, I'd guess that's partly because all the people who can give birth themselves are women. That is, adoption is a man's only choice, if he isn't hooked up with a woman (it's also many women's and couple's only choice, due to various physical causes).

    What feminists are you accusing of saying men don't want to be caregivers? It's the feminists who've pushed to make it possible for men to be primary care givers of their young, instead of it always being the woman's job, regardless of the preferences off the couple, or the well-being of the family.

    I don't recall seeing a lot of questions accusing ALL men of avoiding parental responsibility. When I do see such lies, I weigh in, pointing out that they are untrue.

  3. Let's face it, divorces rarely end with both parties feeling good about it. We would be in complete denial if we did not acknowledge the fact that mothers often make it extremely difficult for fathers to see their children. Not to mention the humiliating experience of picking up your child in the presence of a strange man who see your children more than you do.

    I pray to God that when I have children I remain married to the mother until my children are at least adults. Divorce is a lose/lose situation, but fathers lose the most. Men shirk their responsibilities because their responsibilities come with barely any rights. At least if a man adopts his own kid(s), there isn't a woman who can take them away from him.

  4. Well this is because the women is already caring for her child and her low life baby's daddy pawned the kid off on her, so the new husband is then able to adopt her surprise.  Someone has to not accept responsibility for the child for the other man to do so.  This, the non responsible and sweetie pies balance out.

    Just as there are slackers out there, there are also wonderful men willing to pick up the pieces.

  5. That's because all men are rapists and kiddie fiddlers  ; )

  6. I am a feminist and feel your question makes a sweeping generality.

    I find it almost offensive since I know many fathers, brothers and friends who are "grown men" and not only take on the responsibility, but enjoy it.

  7. Yeah, this whole business about how men "can't" or "are incapable of" or "unwilling" to adopt children is getting old.  It's just the vilification of men by modern Feminists who demonize men at any opportunity they have..

  8. I think that's great! I think feminist do try to delete the good things men do.

  9. the only reason the do it is to get with the mom.

    we can have kids. and all too often those kids are brought in to a single parent home.  

  10. Did you read the study?  Most of the adoptions are step-parent adoptions and it also infers that if women want children they have them!    

    Secondly what numerous questions by "feminists"?  

  11. "But how does it square with the numerous questions submitted by the feminist on how men run away from the respondsibilty of child rearing?"

    Because unless the father died, many (not all) of those children are being adopted by the new guy because the father doesn't really give a dang.

    I applaud men who lave and take on the responsibility of someone else's kid.  ETA:  And I think men should be able to adopt children if they are single or if they are in a homosexual relationship.  If they can provide a happy, stable home for the child, why not?

  12. That's because g*y men tend to adopt babies, whereas lesbians give birth to their own babies using donor s***n, and more men tend to marry single women with children (and adopt them) than vice versa.

  13. While I would like to see some look into why this is, I like how everyone is coming up with excuses for this.  Some people really don't want to admit many men want to be fathers as well.  The article says that men "adopting" kids from previous marriages accounts for part of it, not all.  

    I'm going to get it for this one...

  14. Max, I do NOT claim that men do not want to be caregivers to children; however, one of the reasons statistics are that men adopt more children is that they adopt the children of their spouses born prior to their marriage.  There are many reasons for this, including having insurance coverage and for tax purposes.  The reason is not only the mans desire to be a father, though I feel most adoptive fathers take their responsibilities very seriously.

    EDIT:  Max, I guess I have missed those claims to this point.  I know the issue of not paying child support was brought up, but I had not seen men attacked as not wanting to parent.  I have a wonderful father, who I adore.  My sons are good fathers.  I absolutely think that children need fathers in their lives and that most men I know are thrilled to be dads.

  15. Where are all these questions submitted by "feminists" regarding how men run away from the responsibility of child-rearing? I think I've seen maybe one or two...ever.

    I see WAY more anti-feminists saying that men are not "nurturers" and that that should be solely the mothers role. Most feminists, including myself, vehemently disagree with that. Men can be just as nurturing.  

  16. "The exact reasons why more men adopt than women aren't outlined in the report, but it may be partly due to men getting married and adopting their spouse's children from a previous relationship, the report said."

    Your question assumes that this article stated that men want to be caregivers and that's why they adopt more children when that is not, in fact, what the article says.

    It's because more women have custody of their biological children after divorce so when people remarry, it's generally the new husband adopting the woman's children. This becomes circular since not only feminists (perhaps feminists less so actually), but our entire culture assumes that men are too violent, lazy, and sexually predatory to care for children. This means that women are seen as more fit parents and are more often awarded custody. Actually the disproportionate rate of single mothers is something feminists are concerned about and many, many feminists call for men to be more active as fathers.

    Perhaps if we can set aside our emotions for a bit and work together to change our cultures low expectations of men vis a vis fatherhood, we would all see something good emerge as a result.  I for one am down for that.

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