
Aloe vera on burn????

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On the computer it said that if u rub dental floss on a pimple it will go away and if u put mouthwash. So i did that on one of them and on the other one i didnt put the Listerine mouthwash. And i got burned! My skin was peeling a little bit now its all red. On my cheek and nose! How do i treat that? Some people suggest aloe vera but is it ok if i put the kind that is liquid and that you can drink? im not gonna drink it only put it on the burn. is that ok?




  1. Aloe is the best thing to put on a burn, but the liquid kind wont stay on very well. If you have a less liquidy aloe than that will work better. And as for the floss and mouthwash, those things will hurt your pimples not help them. If you want to get rid of pimples I'd go with Neutrogena, or if you want to use something you already have at home, use tooth paist, it may feel like it's stinging or burning, but that's what my cousin does, it's not as hard on your pimples as mouth wash or floss... Well luck to you!

  2. Siladene cream is the best for a burn, it will also help minimize scaring.

  3. hey thanks for answering mine

    but idont really get pimples if i do i pick at them lol
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