
Alone on my birthday?

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It was my 19th birthday today, well the 24th august its the 25th where i live now i spent home all day by parents and brother are the only others that live with me and they had gone out to visit a cousin visiting.....i guess this isnt really a question but i feel like these past few years its been like h**l for me staying where i do and i never ever cared for parties or anything although i feel like i pushed my friends away i wish my life would change before i wake up one day and theres nothing there but me all alone my older brother even talked **** to me before going to bed.....i shouldnt have to feel this way on my birthday...i never cried but right now i feel heart broken wish someone could make me feel better.............thnx




  1. honey, you can change your life whenever you want to!

    its up to you!

    make the decision to get out there and make friends, so that you WONT be alone on your birthday

    ask your brother to take you places with him,

    join clubs or find hobbies

    once you find somethign in common with someone, you can build the relationship from tehre

  2. Have a w@nk.

    You'll pull through.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


    happy birthday to you

    happy birthday to you

    happy birthday dear internet guy or girl

    happy birthday to you!

    happy 19th!!

    i'm sorry you had such a bad birthday. i can relate, for my 11th i broke my leg, for my 14th my parents were on vacay and i spent the whole day watching my cousins baseball games. and on my 15th my friend committed suicide.

    watch this it will make you feel better.

  5. 19 is a strange age. It's a pretty big turning point, I'm guessing you just finished school and are looking into college. Your family are treating you like an adult. I'm 22 soon and I haven't had much fuss made over a birthday for a while, just as you get older birthday's become less of a big deal and while you feel like it's important that they spend the time with you thy may not have realised it's important to you. Try suggesting having a family dinner to make up for it.

    Because your friends are probably all getting ready to go their separate ways you'll see less and less of each other but you have to hope that the friendships which are worthwhile will make it, but they usually do. Over the next few years you will meet and lose touch with plenty of different friends and even partners but it becomes a part of life. You wont always feel this way it's just the nature of relationships as you get older.

    For now, this is from me

    Try to enjoy your last year as a teenager. You'll feel better soon.

    Hope this helps.

  6. ahh dats so sad. the only thing i can tell you is do your thing on your own. and don't worry bout what everybody else is doing and what they are thinking

  7. aww sweetheart, i understand how it feels to feel heartbroken and at one point or another we all have a bad birthday that just makes us feel empty and lonely inside. I think you should try to be happy that you have your health and the power and youth to do and become anything you want to! I know it sucks when your family are c**p to you on your birthday because you feel like you deserve more but if it helps, i still hope you can have as good a bithday as possible in these circumstances and i truly hope that you can spend the rest of the year to come discovering yourself and many years to come!

    I know its hard when you feel like your living an empty life but you need to remember that you are still alive for a reason and if you want to you can take your life in your hands and turn it around into something amazing - maybe set yourself some goals and see if you can achieve them by next birthday!

    and remember, chin up because at the end of the day - nothing in life really matters that much and there is so much more time for greatness!

    if you still need a smile, heres a video that makes me smile :

  8. Aww this is heartbreaking to read!!! I wish I could give you a big hug!!!

    A very Happy Birthday!!!


  9. Your life could change any minute. Maybe being positive will make things go a little bit faster. If you feel that you are down you need to know that you are capable of being on top. Being successful, having a partner, getting a place together of your own, starting a family or pursuing any of your ambitions and dreams. Being on your own can be quite fun sometimes, besides your family aren't going away forever and they still have a chance to make it up to you and give you proper birthday. Think about it this way if you spent your whole life being miserable and thinking your life is boring and hopeless then it means that your not going to be trying hard enough to change it, however if you were positive and looked only the bright side often then it will boost your enthusiasm and increase your chances of actually changing your life.

    I am sorry you feel this way and if ever you need a friend please dont hesitate to email me

    Take care

    Lastly Happy birthday to you

  10. It was my birthday on the 20th, I have many friends in Iraq and Afghanistan so I just thought of them.  

  11. First things first happy belated birthday. Now then, heres how to feel better. Make some changes to your life. They don't have to be drastic, You're a grown man, go out there and seize the day, get back in touch with your pals that means phone calls and speaking and making arrangements, take up a new hobby and get living. Your in charge. Next year plan a party and invite all your family and friends don't wait for life to come knocking at your door. Today is gone but you have the rest of your life ahead of you, fill your life with upbeat interests and people , it goes a long way in the darker days and is the mainstay of fun and laughter in life. So sleep well, get up early determined and set to change things for the better and your life will move on in ways you could only dream about before. Be the man you want to be and live the life you want to live by your own actions.  

  12. sorry about your birthday

  13. Happy Birthday!

    Why are you assigning to others that they should be responsible for your happiness?

    As long as you continue to do that, you will be down, lonely and depressed without end.

    Here is the truth, and will change your whole life:

    If you want to be happy, then take the responsibility for your own happiness.  Do things that you like to do.

    Make friends.  To have a friend first BE a friend, and you will be amazed how that will come back to you!  :)

    Find what you enjoy, and do it.  There are always others to befriend, and join in the fun.  

    If you don't know where to start, try evening youth gatherings Wed. night at any local church.

    Hand out at the mall food court, you'll meet lots of kids there.

    Say Hi to people, and smile with confidence.  Start subjects about sports, or school.

    As for your birthday, it sucks when people get busy and forget, but they don't mean I figured out years ago, when my birthday is nearing, I just tell family where I want to go for dinner on Friday night, after everyone gets home from work or school, to celebrate my birthday of that week.

    Not only do I always get a good meal, they also bring little gifts!  It's a charmer everytime.

    Of course in return, I remember to send others birthday cards, and return the favor.

    Never ever whine about others forgetting about you.

    Just be so outgoing that they you don't let them foreget about you.  lol

    Make the change in yourself, and start having fun in your life.


  14. It is too late for this birthday, but why not take up volunteering with a group that needs help?

    That way you will make lots of friends....and maybe a 20th Party!
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