
Alot Of My Friends Make Fun Of Me.?

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Alot of my friends make fun of me when i tell them i don't want to go out with them because i'm playing guitar, writing a song or a story or reading a book. Some of the parties they go to are included with alcohol and drugs. I'm 14 and im a guy. Most the people around this town i have no interest in because they're all mean and just rude. Should I stop playing guitar and such to go hang out at a part or should i keep on playing it like 5 hours a day. By the way i love playing it.




  1. do what you love, but always make time for your real friends. these guys must not understand, they think your just bailing on them. explain to them and if they understand then go to some of their party's and hang out with your friends. its not good for you to just stay cooped up in the house all the time. get out and take your guitar to the party's, chicks LOVE the guitar so you can use that as a major advantage!

  2. NO!!!! You are who you are and guess what they're not your friends if they don't support who you truly are as a person....and just becuase you don't feel like rotting your liver at 14 doesn't mean you should quit playing something you're good at.  Your friends need a reality check.  You only live once so you might as well do what makes YOU happy!!!

  3. Be true to yourself and find some friends who have the same interests.  You don't have to use drugs/alcohol to be a "normal" teen.  Maybe you can find one or two other people with similar interests and problems.  

  4. Im so proud that there are people out there like you, i try and tell people i dont smoke haha and they laugh but i been there done that its nt worth it. Dont give up your job seriously, you love playing... PLAY ! do what makes you happy, because if you care to much about people they will take you down

  5. dont stop playing..keep up the good work ull get better and better and can laugh at them when your playing gigs making a living..although, make time for friends and fun also you need to be a teenager and go out with friends..

    if these ppl are laughing at you they rnt true friends but find true friends and spend time with them

    they may be interested in the same thing and you could start a band,

    good luck xox

  6. I'm really impressed..

    Not a lot of kids can ditch a party for a song or a book..

    i mean that's really cool of you..

    what i can say is continue what you love doing, play the guitar when you want to. if your so-called friends can't accept that then they aren't really your friends..

    you can also balance your time with them, hang out somewhere else like the mall or something, but it's good you don't join the parties, i mean the way i see it your friends are bad influence. you're 14 and too young to even drink alcohol..

    it's a good thing that you're smart enough to know what's wrong and right and not just go with the flow for the sake of friends who aren't even worth it.

    you're a smart kid. Good luck!

  7. Well, first off, if they are making fun of you they are NOT your friends.  You are showing a great amount of strength by saying no to parties that include drugs and alcohol.  One day, when those kids are all getting DUI's and having babies before they finish high school, your music could really be taking you somewhere!  I think that playing the guitar is awesome, and even if it doesn't become a career for you, it's still a really good way to let out your feelings and express yourself.

  8. Of course you should keep playing guitar, if you love it don;t let other people sway your feelings. You should also keep playing the guitar because it will help expand your mind through the playing and writing of your music. Playing your guitar will also keep you out of trouble, both from your parents and the law. If you get good enough at writing stories and composing music you might be able to get a scholarship to a good college so I think that you should definitely keep playing your guitar.

  9. Do what you love! Think about it if you keep on practicing you're guitar you'll be a famous player when you're older and all the people who made fun of you will be the pathetic loser burn outs trying to sell knock off tickets to you're concerts. :)

  10. It seems like you and your friends are interested in two totally different things. It is not a bad thing to not like drugs and alcohol. You should just keep on doing what you like to do, and maybe you should try to make friends that can play guiar with you

  11. I know it does hurt and it's annoying having your friends making fun of you, but why change when you're already happy? A good friend will support your decisions and will never try to take you to places where you can get hurt socially and physically. Follow what you want, besides you will soon learn that your true friends will be there no matter what, and at your age you're already acting with a good head and staying away from those places. I know it's hard too to stay away from the "fun" but you will be very glad later. Good luck and congrats for being so mature.

  12. Why would you want to give up something you love to do?

    You can get somewhere with your guitar and song writing skills.

    I doubt you can go anywhere with just non-stop partying.

    Maybe its time to find new friends.

    One that have an interest in guitars or those who dont go to parties with alcohol and drugs.

  13. If you are going to stop playing guitar only because your friends make fun its not a good Idea , but you oughta try new things too ! go out and have fun too , you can still do the guitar thing and writing songs later but you should enjoy life now that you are young otherwise when you grow up you'll regret not doing many things .

    just dont get in trouble , have fun in a healthy way ... do not do drugs and if you do then just be careful but take it easy depending on the mood .

    Good Luck  

  14. Well, there's nothing wrong with expressing yourself through music! However, ya gotta make time for friends, otherwise you won't have any. But don't hang out with them if all they do is drink and do drugs, 'cause that ain't the way!  

  15. keep playing the guitar, thats what you want to do

    and your friends dont sound like they arent real friends if they make fun of you for doing something that involves talent and you enjoy doing, while they are getting high and making bad choices.

    dont go to the parties if you dont want to, no one is gonna make you

  16. if your passion is guitar and not partying then keep playing guitar. Parties will there now and later. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with doing. Besides, your parents would be proud for the fact that you would want to stay away from that type of environment that includes drugs. I suggest guitars! good luck

  17. Follow your good sense on this one. If the people who are inviting you are drinking and doing drugs, it's best to stay away. If you are comfortable playing your guitar, why not make some friends who are into music like you are?  

  18. If your friends criticize you about your passion do you really consider them "friends" or people to pass time with right now. No you shouldn't quit if you are talented and enjoy stick with it, it could be part of your future for all you know it could make you famous while they are all alcoholics watching you on TV. Don't give something up that you enjoy for "friends"  

  19. Friends dont make fun of friends.

    Friends have eachothers backs.

    They let eachother do what they want to do.

    And alcohol and drugs?? Dude are they young.

    They are not friends at all.

    Playing guitar is ur talent, dont quit just to make friends. Keep moving on.


    Yeah your probably gonna be like No way or react like "Uuhhh"

    Talk to some girls? Get a girlfriend. Girls love guys who play guitar. :]

    And you said theyre all mean and rude.. Just ignore them. Let them ruin their life.

    Get some new friends.

    Leave them alone.

    Let them do what they wanna do, they will regret all of that in the end.

    Btw, if your "friends" call you to hang out. I wouldn't even bother answering the phone. Just my opinion.

  20. wow dude keep playing  guitar, writing song and doing healty stuff in ur  house if ur happy like that at the end ur going to finish famous and they in jail :P

    and cool if u like play guitar :) that;s cool man ;P

    and reading books is  the best hobby :)

  21. play dude! seriously, if u love it, then keep on doing it!

    u may ever so often choose 2 take a break and  go out, and u'll know when the time is good.

    u have 2 make urself happy. maybe even invite ur peeps over and mess around while u play. figure out ways 2 mix what u love 2 do, and the friends u want 2 b with.


  22. its fine man

    as long as you see them sometimes

    im 17 and i dont drink smoke or take drugs :)

    when ppl take the p**s i tell em where to get off

    lifes about how you want to live isnt it

    if they dont like you for who YOU are there not your true friends

  23. You are your own person, Michael and you should do as you choose providing you are not hurting any one. The only thing is that reclusive musicians may not make many friends if that bothers you. I love music so I reckon you should get really good and write some heavy chunes for us. Bless Up

  24. No, u should not stop playing guitar. Don't do what other people want to do, u have to do what u want and what u like. U should have opinion for everything as ur friends. If they can say what they want, u can do it too. Be yourself and don't listen to the other people .

  25. your friends shouldn't change who are, and if they're real friends they're gonna respect your choices and stuff.

    i'm sorry but theres this song called revenge on the radio, and it kinda reminds me of you cause you never know, some day you might be famous and they'll regret making fun of you :D

  26. Good for you!!!! keep playing it. Stay out of drugs/alcohol. it will pay off in the long run when you have alot going for you in life later on and they have nothing but drinking and drugs to turn to. Your only 14, and its only going to get harder! so stay strong, and keep on doing what your doing.

  27. If music is your passion you should definitely continue with it.  You should make sure that you are socializing though as that is important to develop.  If you aren't into those party's try to find a group of people that into music that you can practice with or join a band or take some music classes.  If those people make fun of you then they aren't really your friends anyway.  Good luck!

  28. I totally know what your going through except im a girl. my friends always ask me to hang out but i would rather do something else. stick with guitar or your music or a book if you like that better. and the best thing to do is stay out of trouble and when your going to college or making a decent living and not ending up in jail like them youll be thankful for it too.


    iknoweverything :]

    p.s. answer some of my questions if you can pleez!

  29. Continue to play guitar and continue to write songs.  You got talent and that is a gift.  I know you are young but parties with alchohol  won't take you anywhere.  Please trust me and be strong.  Like I said you contine what you like and you'll see, when you become an adult you will remember your past and you will understand my advice.

  30. suceed in life those friends are not worth it i think u should join some kind of band at school with the drugs and alcohol at parties is not a good friendship with these guys and a course there are people out there that might share the same interest as u so look on the bright side and remember be yourself u can play your guitar but still go out there and make some friends u might meet some really awsome people out there best of luck !

  31. partys are heck over rated when all peaople do at then is drink and smoke! Also are they really your "friends" if they make fun of you? Why dont you try going to partys every now and then, you could even bring your guitar and people would love to hear you play (if your good, not if you suck lol). then you wouldnt be so forced to drink and do drugs and maybe it would help get othes minds off of dong stupid c**p. Good luck and also P.S : there is nothing sexyer then a guy that plays the guiter well, bt it definitly lowers the s**y rating if you are anti social, just food for thought!  

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