
Alot of baby boys look at me and laugh could i be preggars?

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Okay so My husband and i are TTC(trying to concieve) I will find out at the end of this month to see if im pregnant or not. I think i have good chance of being preggars because I followed my cycle and got my ovulation down very good!..:) My husband and I had BD(Babydancing) 7 days up to day of Ovulation so i have alot of backup swimmers if i calculated wrong (which my doc and me dont think so..:) Okay so I went out the other day to run errands e.g food shopping buy hubby sum ties at Department store. And I accidently got caught in a traffic of mothers and babies at a puppet show in the mall. Well on these three diffrent locations I had a baby boy smile and snicker a michevious laugh at me. In the grocery store. (i didnt have any bright colors on and my hair was in a bun) I even turned back and he was pointing at me with this high pitch snicker laugh and sum drool. In the department store by the cosmetics a lil asian baby literally try to jump in my arms. His mother was so alarm she said wow are you expecting? I was so caught off guard i just blushed and fled the scene. At the puppet show when everyone was leaving i was just trying to get a slice of pizza i saw the strangest thing two lil boys laughing and pointing at me. I dont have babyfever or anything like that so i know im not delusional but I have heard a myth that if a baby looks at you and laughs or points or is very attracted to you in an odd way you could be pregnant saying that other babies can sense another child even if its this question is more spiritual and mythlogical...10 points to the best creative guess or opinion..:)




  1. Well when I became pregnant I had a lot of babies looking at me. I don't know if it always happened and I just never noticed before, or if it's really true.

    But I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you,

    Good Luck <3 and hopefully congrats.

  2. I dont think that you could be pregnant.. Bc they say that when you are pregnant with a girl boys will cling to you and that girls will cling if you are having a boy. I was having a boy and my nephew loved me and so did my niece so i dont really fall for those.

  3. Yes you most likely are. Children are in touch with their moms bodies soo much that they can things others can't. There is a certain "glow" that all mommies give off that is pleasing to little children.

    Sadly after about 4 years, children forget what being in their mom's tummy was like and lose that special connection. It's to obad we cant have it forever.

    You can go get a pregnancy test if you don;t believe me. They can tell if you're pregnant after 2 weeks now. Go and find out for sure before you tell everyone based off the "mystic glow" only babies can see though. :)

  4. No, that's not true. Babies may just like you. You could look "friendly". Children have ALWAYS liked me, even long before I became pregnant. There is no explaining it, they can just read people. If you're giving off a nice vibe children can sense that.

    ETA: LOL at the person above me. Children always seem to find your "flaws".

  5. maybe you just had a booger in your nose?

  6. Oh, you're pregnant all right. If you had said that your hair was down, then it would be doubtful ( they get very excited thinking about pulling it out by the handful, you see...).  But with your hair in a bun, there would be nothing to distract them from the zygote signals coming from you. Oh yeah. Congratulations!

  7. lol rather funny it happened on 3 different occasions, I have no answer for this one though, maybe you are =) Good luck and hope in 9 months you have a little one in your arms!

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