
Alot of cats around my aunts neighborhood ar dying from the same caues?

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they all have the same symptoms throwing up brown waste,pooping all over them self's and not wanting to move at all couple hours later they die any ideas




  1. These are common symptoms of ARSENIC poisoning.  Someone is setting out "baited" food for these cats!

    If you can, call your local animal control or ASPCA, report the dying cats, and see if they'd be willing to do a necropsy on one of them.  Then, everyone in the neighborhood would know to keep their animals inside.

    Also, the police might be able to "get involved", because a child could get hold of some of's very dangerous!!

    Hope your Aunt's cats don't suffer the same fate!  Good luck.........

  2. They could have a number of reasons this is happening.  They need to be seen by a vet as soon as possible.  There is NO way of diagnosing on the internet due to the many variables.  A vet needs to take blood samples, stool samples, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, look at the mouth, ears and eyes.  No one can answer that question here, not even a vet.  They need to look at the cat(s).  This is another reason all cats should be left inside - they have less chance of developing viral diseases - not to mention poisons other neighbors may be leaving out to stop cats from getting into their yards.  Put your cats inside until a reason is found.  Otherwise it's being very irresponsible.

  3. Someone could be poisoning them. Are they outdoor cats?

    If your aunt has a cat I highly suggest that she keeps it indoors at all times.

  4. Sounds like the way i had a two cats die, I later found out someone was putting aspirin in milk, It kills cats. I had a house built for them so they had a safe place to sleep at night.  

  5. sounds like parvo or some poor excuse for a human being is poisoning them call the ASPCA and report it it might make people sick if they come in contact with the poor things children for example

  6. Notify the police and animal control or animal welfare officials.  Either there is a poisoner in your neighborhood, or it is possible someone has dumped some hazardous materials nearby.

    By all means, keep the cats inside until the situation is solved.

  7. Are they strays or outdoor cats? Someone probably got sick of hearing them meow for food, scratching the paint off their cars, and digging up their flower beds to p**p and set out antifreeze. It's sad that people put them through such a painful death, but they shouldn't have to deal with "wild" animals on their property. My advice would be to keep your cat in your own house/yard and call the local animal control to pick up the strays. It's illegal to put out poison for animals though. So definitely let the animal control people know what's going on.

  8. Sound like you have a cat hating poisoner in the hood.

  9. I think someone is poisoning them as well.  Call animal control right now and tell your aunt to keep her cats in too. So sorry to hear that. Good luck.

  10. sounds like some scum has been poisoning these precious babies, it could also be an infected water pond or anythign that the yhave all drank from

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