
Alot of liberal ideals are shared with commies dont you agree?

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Alot of liberal ideals are shared with commies dont you agree?




  1. You're quite right. They want to take away all incentives for hard work and successful pay-offs. Hillary is already openly speaking about higher income taxes and letting government control everything over the people. That's in direct conflict to our foundation of the people deciding on it's own government.

  2. Sure commies are socialists just like libs.

  3. Pathetic!

  4. No I don't....those two doctrines are not even close.

  5. Yup. You betcha. Let's see, now. The D.E.A. (Secret Police), that was a liberal idea? Warrantless wiretaps? Sure, liberal idea. No knock search warrants? Oh, yeah. Disappeared suspects? Right, liberal idea. Library and bookstore record searches? Liberals really backed that one, didn't they?

    It seems to me like everything I was taught to fear about the "commies" when I was young has come to pass in the U.S.A. Now, was it the libs or cons who went along with all this?

  6. Um...not really. Communists wanted a classless society in which all could live in harmony. History tells us that historic figures such as Lenin and Stalin were not exactly "common" people. And, as we all know, the Soviet Union did not live in harmony...

    Liberals don't go trying to say that America will be classless. They don't try to restric personal freedom (liberals wha abortion choices, and wiretapping was done mostly under conservative presidents-- check Watergate and Bush's wiretapping). Having socialized healthcare would only improve our health standards by allowing every American citizen to have access to health care (in case you haven't realized, the US is no longer the leading country in technological and health advances--check Japan).

    Actually, the Christians and 'commies' share more ideals, as someone before me said.

  7. Yes, I absolutely agree! The Libs want an equal distribution of the wealth. They want the community to own all property. They do not want individual freedom. They want socialized health care. No choices. No individula liberties. One political structure.  The libs would have us in a welfare state, and taxed to death!

  8. Your question is absurd.    You may as well ask:

    A lot of Chritian religious ideals are shared with commies, don't you agree?

    A lot of fascist ideals are shared with commies, don't you agree?

    Both can be answered 'yes', but it means absolutely nothing.

    What is the point of your question?

  9. A lot of Conservative ideals are shared by Fascists, don't you agree?

  10. "Commies"?  Wow, that's a term I haven't heard in a long time.  Communists stopped being our national enemy the minute the Soviet fell.   America has found herself a new national enemy to focus all her fears on.

  11. I do think I know what you mean, sort of.  Maybe you mean that the communist idea is to help ordinary people--referred to as "the workers of the world," not those who are better off--and liberals also supposedly want to help the poor like with more government handouts.  But if you think about it, the same idea is a basic part of the Christian religion: reward the meek and the poor. The rich should give away what they have to help the poor.  Some of Jesus' main ideas were almost a pure, pure, expression of what later came to be called liberal and communistic.  He was anything but conservative.  That usually surprises people the first time they hear it and realize, yep, it's true.  If Jesus were among us right now he would be considered very left-liberal and almost a communist.  It's rather strange that most Christians in the U.S. today have a quite conservative point of view, politically speaking.

    So I think your question implies that liberal ideas and communist ideas are both bad  and the opposite is good, the conservative viewpoint is good, right?  Ah, it's just not that simple, as another person who answered pointed out with delightful sarcasm.  I myself am just as afraid of extreme conservative ideals, for when extreme conservative ideals are in the ascendancy, that too harms average people, for then we have oppression and tyranny: fascism.  (Hitler was not a liberal, for example.  Hitler was very, very conservative.  So were the Puritans back in our own history--the First Thanksgiving story and all that.)

    One other little comment:  The word liberal in politics started out meaning freedom.  Freedom from too much government interference in our lives, that is.  Some liberals still consider it to mean just that, though everyone considers them quite conservative.  So like I said, it is just not simple.

    Thank goodness, thank goodness, in the U.S. the overall system tends to balance itself out over time.  When the nation goes too far liberal or too far conservative either one, the pendulum eventually swings back the other way because of our wonderful Constitution!

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