
Alot of people do not believe in global warming what can I say to them?

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Pratically all of the students in my school do not believe in global waming. They say it is all a myth! Something the media made up! Even some of my obviously not bright teachers do not believe it lol How can they even think that? What can I say to make them at least think about it?

They say things like "The tepature always changes"

some even say "There are actually more glaciers not less!" O.o




  1. Thank you for your honesty, you changed my mind and I believe you.

  2. do some research on the net to determine what the average temperature of the earth was last year(the whole earth not just 1 hemisphere) then find estimates of the average temperature from 10 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago etc.

    the 1 site I checked says the average temp last year was 54.2 degrees.  if the earth is actually warming temperatures from the past will be lower than 54.2 degrees .

    when you find the data print it out to show your friends.

  3. Maybe you should listen to your classmates.  All global warming is, is an excuse to have a tax levied against people that use cars to get to work and need electricity to live their lives.  Yet, the Grand Poohbah of Global Warming, Al Gore does not see fit to live as he wants everyone else to.  He wants to lord it over everyone while he lives in a house that uses more resources than President Bush's house.  Go figure that.  And he want us all to pay the nebulous "carbon tax."

    Which I will refuse.

  4. You will never get 100% of people to agree on anything.

    That said there is no proof that global warming is real.  Its a nice theory.  Then you get to the problem of what caused it.  Is it natural or man made?  You seem to have your mind made up no matter what you hear or read.

    I'll tell you that I agree the Earth is currently warming over time.  I'll also tell you that I'm old enough to know that temperatures, percepitation, and all that stuff go in cycles.  Its not man made.  Just some examples:

    - Earth has been through several ice ages.  At no time did people cause them to start or end.

    - Its been hot the last few years and people claim global warming.  It was pretty cold in the 70s and the worry was global cooling.

    - Some of the hottest accuratly recorded temps on Earth were in the 1930s.

    - Humans were not capable of accuratly recording weather until the past 100 or so years.  People have been around several thousand years.  Earth has been around billions of years.  We only understand a very small portion of its history.

  5. Well I guess there will always be people who cannot face the truth or chose to ignore global warming as it means they will have to be less selfish and give up consuming so much.

    It seems a pity we have to wait until the earth is ruined before we try and do something.

    For sure, we have had hot spells and ice ages in the past but NEVER one that has changed as fast as this one.

    Why do we believe we can just use anything we want on the planet and destroy everything else.

    Recommend you move to a school where students are as serious and thinking as you are.

  6. I could enter a loooong monologue detailing why I believe global warming is a phenomenon which will land us in $hitville if we don't proactively make huge changes.

    But I won't. I'll simply say: If a Dr told you that you have a terminal illness and you need treatment immediately, would you do something about it, or wait for it to kill you, b/c you don't believe the Dr?

    The vast majority of scientists have reached consensus that global warming is real. Imagining for a moment that it isn't real, isn't it better to do something about it, than not do anything about it?

    What would we lose by being precautious?

    What would we lose by NOT being precautious?

  7. you could say "good job you're somewhat right. The idea that humans cause it and that we can stop it is made up by the media and al gore. However global warming is occurring because of the earth's natural cycles."

    That is what you should tell them.

  8. Take on naysayers and claimants of a "hoax", with the following:

    1.  Why since recorded history of the area ( 1842 ) is the fabled Northwest Passage ice free ?

    2.  Why is the sole source of water for the holy Ganges River ( glacier )in India, retreating at 100' per year ?

    3.  Why is Mt. Kilamanjaro's snow capped summit, have less than 10% of the amount if had just 10 years ago ?

    4.  Why is the snow disappearing from the Glacier National Park, to where it will be gone in 10 years ?

      Then conclude with this:

    Shoud we suspect the reason is:

    a.  Galactic Aliens?

    b.  Russia?

    c.  Militant Arabs?

    d.  Some Bush plan to dominate the world ?

          Or just maybe, MAYBE, it's because there is HEAT there, that was NOT there before. You THINK ?

          Hope this helps a little. Talking to these air heads never seems to touch on common sense.

  9. When they say 'the temperature always changes', you can ask them why it changes.  What factors cause the temperature to change, and what are those factors doing now?

    The answer is the Sun, the Earth's orbital cycles, and carbon dioxide.  The first 2 are not currently causing the planet to warm.

    When they say 'there are more glaciers', ask them to prove it.  That's completely wrong, and if they're going to make a statement that goes against the scientific evidence, they have to prove it.

    All you can do is arm yourself with the scientific evidence and try and teach those who are ignorant of it.

  10. Simple, get 100% proof, then you will have something.

    You have a theory and no sound proof to support it. When your ringleader (AL Gore) makes millions of dollars by selling and owning carbon credit companies, what do you expect.

    If you should learn anything from my commit, learn that anyone can take a portion of data and make it support what they want it to, you have to look at ALL the data to have an Educated Conclusion, not just the data that supports your belief. AL Gore took what a few years of data to conclude Carbon has increased and the tempature has too. Well Data also has shown that the earth has increased in temp. years before the automobile, then their still is the Fact that most of the SE of the US was under water before man!!! Oh and if GLOBAL WARMING EXISTS, then why is the antartic ice levels thicker than ever before, if it was GLOBAL, wouldn't the antartic be warmer too.

    Oh yea, if it is global and man made, why has the moon and mars also increased in temp at the same rate and time, hummm...the sun is a ball of gas, could it be burning slighlty warmer or has our rotation around the sun got a little closer??

  11. "I guess we will just wait and see"  I think as the weather keeps getting worse and the oceans keep rising, they will soon change their opinions.

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