
Alot of questions about Aruba..?

by Guest31907  |  earlier

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heres all my question...

Should i move to Aruba?why?

Do Aruba have ANY schools?




  1. First of all, why are you considering Aruba? Is it for academic reasons or change of scenerey?

    Aruba is a beautiful island with many wonderful people. I'm not sure I would go there for academic reasons as it is a very small island with limited educational choices. I assume you are interested in colleges and universities. Again, very limited options. Most young people leave the island to further their education at this level. But, if you want to go there to live and work, its a great place for the short term.

  2. Well am Jamaican i had lived there before aruba officail language is dutch and native language is papiamento but if you go live in San nicolaas is english

    school them there are in dutch but it have international school also schools in enlish that can help u but aruba is getting a bit expensive

  3. This could help.

    Yes, they have schools in Aruba.  :)

  4. It depends. Why would you want to move to Aruba? Aruba is a great place to vacation, but leave the living on Aruba to Arubians, unless of course your parents are going to work there and you are moving with them. It's very expensive to live on an island, any island in the Caribbean and probably in the world. They do have schools in Aruba. Schools are mostly in Dutch or you'll have to attend the International School (English). Most Arubians speak at least three languages: their native Papiamento, Dutch, English, Spanish. If you give a little bit more information about yourself (like age, grade you're in, et cetera), I'll be able to give you a better answer.

  5. Check residency requirements. If you are moving there with your parents and you are an American check out the International School. If you are an adult, presuming you are not independently wealthy you need to find employment. Employment for non-Arubans is difficult.

  6. You're from where dear?

    Definitely, Aruba have schools.

    If the situation calls for you to move there, it will be ok.

    Aruba is such a lovely place, like Hawaii, it is tropical, meaning great beaches, palm trees, wet season, peaceful, quiet & very friendly people.

    A Miss Universe beauty pageant was held in our country way back the late 70's. A Miss Aruba became so famous among the lovely contestants that the Filipinos learned to love her, adopted her in a way that she made a number of movies in our country before heading back to her homeland. If you ever visit the Philippines, an entertainment bar, fine dining with live musical performances, is named Aruba.

    Try it & enjoy, if not, you may go back to where you want to live. Stay happy, girl.

  7. It all depends.  Yes Aruba has schools their but their not very well known, most people try to leave the island to further their education.  Your 2nd question should you move their? idk aruba is a VERY nice place to visit but i dont know if you would actually want to move their.  There aren't many jobs on the Island.  You could work at a hotel, casino or drive taxi.  When i went their people were doing hair just to try to survive and make some money.  Not very well paying and it's hard to find jobs their.. pretty limited. Well i hope i could help

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