
Alot on my mind?? Help plzz?

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Sorry that this is so long but I have to get you to understand whatta dilemna I'm in

I'm a 16 year old girl, Juinior in high school I get straight A's honor roll. This year is gonna be really hectic and I don't know when I'll have any free time to myself. I plan on getting a job on weekends b/c my mom won't let me work on school days except maybe friday after school. I'm gonna join tennis this fall b/c I need to be in a sport to qualify for national honor society. Also I'm gonnna have to join renaissance and some other club. I'm also volunteering at the hospital b/c my mom is forcing me [ i guess that's not volunteering lol]. I want to do tutoring but get paid [ if I go to my guidnace counselor they'll tell me more]. however my aunt was telling me to volunteer at the library[ but i wouldn't be paid of course].

My mom is forcing me to take the PSAt this fall but I don't feel prepared even though I bought 2 review books for th SAT. SO I have to take the PSAT to qualify for some scholarship thing even though I don't want to. Then I have to take the SAT. ALso I'm gonna be taking 4 AP classes. AP Bio, AP English Lit, AP Calc & AP American History. Should I drop one of my Ap's? I have to do Bio b/c I wanna be a nurse. I want to be an accounant also though so should I drop AP calc and take an accounting class as an elective? Technically I don't need to take math any more since I finished Math B in 9th grade but it would look good on my applications to collee and stuff. I feel like my schedule is so jammed pack. I already took AP chem last year and I got a 4. I really like shopping but my mom hasn't been into it as much as me for the last couple of years so i wanna buy my own stuff. I don't get an allowance so that's why I wanna get a job. But if I can only work weekends and I have to volunteer on weekends i won't be able to make enough money to shop for clothes!! My mom still buys me clothess but like if I wanted to buy one Ed hardy shirt I'd have to pay for it myself b/c my mom would refuse. I don't mind paying for myself it's just that it'll take me forever now to earn the money to buy clothes.??

Can anyone help me with any of these issues??=[[




  1. Have you explained it to your mother like this?  I think volunteering and the things she has asked from you are all good, but everyone deserves a reward for hard work.  It sounds like this schedule will overwhelm  you and could lead to your grades falling.  It could be too much pressure.  If you lists these out for your mom like you have here, maybe it would help her to see certain things such as, maybe volunteering could be cut out since you will work so hard with all of these AP classes and leave a little time for you to work to reward  yourself.  Working is good too.  It will help you build work experience + learn responsibility with money.

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