I have 2 kicker solobaric 12's right now, very loud, but I found I would rather have better quality than quantity, plus I really want to keep my hearing in tact. So far I have found that the Alpine Type R 12" is what I am looking for, I want clean rich bass, not really boomy bass all the time. Since I dont need it loud, and I want to save weight, I am only going to run a single type R. My amp is an Audiobahn A8000T running 800 rms@ 2 ohm, and 400RMS @ 4 ohm. Some say that the type R likes a ported box no matter what you are trying to achieve. My kickers only hit hard on a few frequencies, and I want a nice clean hit on all bass frequencies, basically just more bass everywhere. So, ported or sealed, and what size box.. Any other suggestions for woofers under $300 new?? Thanks