
Already asked but with more u think I could be prego? ?

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I'm wondering if I have anything to worry about...

last month I had my period but a couple days later I got it again now this would be in the beginning of this month

I never get my period in the beginning of the month its always towards the end

so just a couple days ago I've been noticing that I've been having a weird discharge now it keeps on happening I know it's not a yeast infection because I've had one before I dont itch or anything but it keeps happening

the discharge is clear,thick and every once in a while it looks like cottage cheese but that might of happen maybe once or twice at the most

a couple days ago for about a week or more I've ben having pains on my side not all the time like it goes away and comes back I didnt knnow if that would help or not also I'm starting to feel like I have to pee alot

and when I do pee it still feels like I have to but I cant and then a few min. later I have to pee again

is it too soon to tell?

the only prob i have is that I cant remember the dates of my last NORMAL period (i suck at dates)

so what do you think? any ideas?




  1. i'd say it's more likely to be a UTI - urinary tract infection.

    they can cause abdominal pains, or pain down lower. Also will cause the frequent need to urinate, although only tiny bits of urine may come out.

    Consult with your doctor and have a urine test done. If negative for a UTI, then yes maybe consider a pregnancy test, if periods still do not return to normal next month.  

  2. sounds like you might have a urinary tract infection whether you are pregnant or not. That early on there is nothing that would make you feel like you still have to pee just after going. I can understand going a little more frequently but not constant urge. Go have a doctor check you for an infection and they can also do a pregnancy test at the same time.

  3. Thanks for the overly explicit's the one here is a doctor or a pregnancy test, so we can't really tell you.  You need to go to a doctor or at least get a pregnancy test!

  4. take a test or go get a blood test done if you think a hpt will be to early

  5. Take a test and see what happens, if it's been 14 days since you've had s*x you should get a pretty accurate result.  

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