
Already shipped to unconfirmed address on PayPal / eBay. Am I screwed?

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I sold an Apple Macbook laptop on eBay for $1300. The buyer was from Israel and I got the shipping cost from the USPS office and told him and he agreed to pay it so I figured why not. He payed using PayPal and the money is currently in my bank account. I just realized the dangers of shipping to an unconfirmed address and have a great fear that I am now screwed and he is going to give me a chargeback and I am going to lose my $1300 and Macbook. Is there anything I can do right now? The package is already on its way. I can take my money out of the bank and cancel my credit cards but PayPal will probably send creditors to my house or something. I am ENRAGED that this can even happen because in my hands I have the USPS Insured Mail receipt, the Customs and Dispatch note stamped and the receipt for paid shipping from the office which is plenty of proof that I sent the item. Do you guys think I am still screwed? What can




  1. having an "unconfirmed" address on PayPal just means that the address that you shipped it to is not the same as the credit card billing address; it does not mean you're screwed; i always use a different address for shipping (because my driveway has gates), but i am still a good customer :)

  2. I agree with Kuppcake.  I buy and sell to and from Israel on E*Bay frequently...I'm Jewish and I buy & sell coins, bills, shirts, Ahava skin care products and religious items for myself & friends all the time.  I can honestly say I have never run into a problem from Israel...even from unconfirmed addresses.

    An unconfirmed address merely means that the end user hasn't gone through a few menial steps on PayPal to confirm it.  It's really not much of a big deal.  I really don't think you'll have anything to worry about.

    If you were shipping to Russia, China or Nigeria, then I think you should worry because they're notorious havens for fraud.

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