
Alright, I've been trying to tune my guitar for 68 minutes...?

by  |  earlier

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...I'm starting to get SO ANGRY! I'm punching walls, I'm yelling, I'm throwing things!!!!!!!! My guitar came with this one and only c**p-er, I meant tuner. And I've been trying to tune all my strings for about an hour and I give-up. It'll say they're tuned, but I'll back to them after a little bit and it'll say, "your string is to low!" then I said, "IT WASN'T TO LOW TWO SECONDS AGO!!!!" And it just keeps doing that stupid c**p over and over and over. My guitar-teacher can perfectly tune my guitar in about three seconds without a freakin tuner, and here I am wasting 68 minutes of my life trying to tune my guitar and NOT ONE SINGLE string is tuned! Please help me, thanks.




  1. Get a new tuner? Haha, well if you have a piano or a keyboard near you, then just play an E for the lowest string and go from there (A, D, G, B, E)

    One thing that could be messing the tuner up is that if you have new strings, they'll slowly stretch out, like you'll tune the guitar and come back in a half hour and it will be all messed up, just wait for them to stretch.  Also, if you're trying to tune it to a ridiculously low tuning like standard C or standard B, it will give you a hard time too, I like to play Dethklok :-)

  2. Try a new battery in your tuner.

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