
Alright, here's another joke.?

by  |  earlier

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One day, a telemarketer calls a house, and the phone is picked up by a little boy who whispers,"hello?"

"Hello, may I please speak to your mother?"

"No, she's looking for something."

"Well, is there someone else I can speak to?"


"Who might that be?"

"The fireman."

The telemarketer gets a little worried.

"Why is there a fireman at your house?"

"He's looking for something too, along with the policeman."

Now the telemarketer is really worried.

"There's a policeman looking too?"


"Well, just what are they looking for that needs a fireman and a policeman?"

The boy starts to giggle.





  1. LOL.  That's another chuckler

  2. lol! that was a very funny joke.

  3. haha.  nice one!

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