
Alright, i have a question for all you people with a fixed retainer?

by  |  earlier

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alright, so i got my bottom braces off today and i was blessed with the gift of a retainer! :P (more like a curse)

so anyway, my orthodontist is stupid and refused to give me a removable retainer for my bottom teeth, so i have a fixed (permanent) retainer for my bottom teeth.

so i was just kind of wondering... will the fixed retainer have any awkward effects on kissing, or things like that?

i would really like to know. :\





  1. Nah, this retaner will have the same effects a normal one would. i would say the only bad part is that in the first little while you might have a lisp and you might spit a little then you talk. also, always keep a toothbrush in your purse  because there is always ALWAYS gonna be food stuck in it after you eat and its not easy to get out.

  2. A permanent retainer is a wonderful appliance. You should get used to it in a few days. I work for an orthodontist and all of my patients have nothing but good things to say about their permanent retainers. I bet by Thursday you will hardly notice it.

  3. No it will not have a bad effect on anything really other than flossing behind it.  I had one for many years, and my orthodontist told me to never take it out.  Then in the service it broke, and the Dentist took it out and my lower teeth became crooked again.  So if he told you to leave it in forever.......DO IT!

  4. no. don't worry.

  5. I had one then it wasn't working so I got an essix retainer for both top and bottom.  But really, after a while you won't even notice it.  You just have to floss better.

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