
Alright...I need some help/advice.?

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Okay so there is this new kid at my school.

Alot of girls like him...but i like him alot!!

He is shy, but i talk to him alot.

We have like 5 classes togther and when we are waiting for the teacher to let us in the classroom he always stands right next to me.

But i noticed he never looks in my eyes. I'll b talking to him and he will look straight ahead.

I kinda though he was imbarrsed cuz he has kinda bad acne and was nervose to look at me for some reason....

But i found out my BFF was talking to him and telling him that my cup size was C34. WOW that's really imbarrsing.

And maybe he felt like idk weird...


Sooo i was wondering if i could give him some hints i like him.

WIthout being sooo CRazy about it.

I know like smiling and looking in his eyes...

But can any guys give me some help :)






  1. talk to him, ask him out, be friendly, tell him to feel good about himself, give him advice and help him, oh and c34 is big for your age.but hmmm...just get t know him better. help him get out of his cacoon. he's just shy.

  2. just tell him you like him  

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