
Alright. So, is it possible to be destined(or fated) to play a part in someone's life?

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I am curious about this because of someone in my life right now. He and I have been best friends for over four years now. We can talk about practically anything and nothing ALL at once and can predict what the other one is going to say next. (This is usually normal in close friendships/relationships.) BUT! Out of ALL the friends whom I've ever had, he has been my pal the longest (As far as long periods of time go). Him and I have been through alot, and I have watched him grow. But the wierdest thing is that I can forgive him/accept him for anything he does. This is unusual for me. I have issues with trusting people-especially after they've hurt me before. But with this certain guy, NOTHING phases me. I mean that quite literally. He can betray me, hurt me, etc. etc. and I just say 'o.k.' and we're good again. Obviously it's more complicated than that, but ya.

So anyways, ever since I met him I knew there was something different about him, and that I was going to have a part in his life(no matter what it may be). And please don't say things like "Oh, you're probably just inlove with the dude' and stuff like that. I know that it's more than something that singular. Every time him and I hang out, and every time we talk about things, that inkling gets stronger and stronger. Is it POSSIBLE that we are still friends for a reason? Like, we are meant to play a big part in something in the near/late future?

Any ideas anyone?





  1. I definitely think that everyone that comes into your life is there for a reason...whether it be a best friend or the pizza man.  It sounds like this person could be your "soul mate".  I know alot of people do not believe in such a thing but I do!  It sounds like if he isn't a soul mate then he is at least a wonderful friend and you both are very lucky to have that!  

    Good luck!

  2. For every life we touch we play a role.  Whether that role is a minor part or a starring role depends on a great many things. Don't get caught up too much in "destined."  Time will show you what your role is to be in this person's life.  It may be a life time role, or it may be limited to the restrictions placed on it by him. The fact that you feel a connection to him does not ensure that he is allowing himself to feel that same connection.  But being his friend, unconditionally, will usually ensure that you maintain a friendship for a long time.  

  3. we are all tangled up in life together

    every connection is for a reason

    because every connection has a result

    is he fated into your life/he in yours?


    so am i

    so is the rest of the world

    so the question is why is he so important?

    because he is obviously just a simalar person to your own.

    that is why

    and we all need those really good friends!

    it is best not to wonder just live

    if his purpose shows up you will know.

    oherwise you wont.

    it is possible that what ever it was

    is already done

    and a good relationship

    is what came out of it

    you never know

    thats whats fun about the world

  4. I believe that there are no accidents or chance occurrences we are all slated to play a part in each others lives. I agree with you. Sometimes our main 'purpose' may just be to smile at a person in need. So much of our lives are part of a tapestry we will never see this side of forever.

  5. Sounds nice when it's paired with a relationship, doesn't it?

    What about death?

    You may not be concerned with your own life.

    What about your child's life? How curious about fate are you with such a paradigm?

    You want to know what I think? Fvck Fate, and Fvck God.

    I exist to be reported. Do it. You can't get rid of me.

  6. Of course you're meant to play a role in his life, that is why you're in his life.

    If you find yourself somewhere in life whether you tried to get there or  not, it is because God wants you there.

    Take Joseph in the Bible, (Genesis) his story was filled with many for him and many against him, but through it all God brought him to where he wanted him to be, so for you...your role in this man's life is meant to be.

    Also he could leave your life or you leave his, but whatever we do or wherever we go, we were supposed to be there and we will always be right on time.

  7. ok..I know you dont wanna hear it but I think your in love with does he feel about you?

    and I believe in destiny..but I also think our fate is up to us..

    and its nice to be destined for something but if you are really destined for something then itll happen anywas so dont spend too much time thinking about it..

  8. No interactions are by coincidence. All is an emanation of your subconscious mind which under the guidance of your soul arranges events for your spiritual awakening.

  9. God allows people in our lives for a reason.  Just pray and ask Him what it is.  It is not by chance that you meet someone, and feel a strong conection to them.  You feel safe with this person, and that is good.  When we truly care about someone we can forgive them for anything.  God has blessed you with a true friend.

  10. True friendship is genuinely like that. I have a friend for more than 28 years and no romantic love have been involved. We normally do not agree on likes and dislikes but we extremely enjoy each others company.and to the best of what we can we help each other even through uplifting one's spirit when anyone of us  is down.We are both married and we both love our spouses. I am here in US she is there in Asia. We keep exchanging notes until now. I do not think completely of it as fate given from above or what is written in the book of life, I just believe that we both choose to be like that and it seems it will last forever.

  11. If you lived in a other state would you be a part of their plan? Its all timing and location.  

  12. Since you have not mentioned that you belong to a specific religious faith, we cannot tell you what belief is most consistent with your other beliefs. Some people do believe in predestination, whereas others do not. Whoever believes will tell you yes, whoever does not believe will tell you no. These answers are pretty much useless to you because in the end you will have to decide for yourself.

  13. Sounds like an awesome guy

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